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Absolute beginners guide to setattachment (draft)


Spoike  setattachment just sets tag_entity and tag_index fields, right? OneManClan — 03/26/2021 no, i didnt know that Spoike — 03/26/2021 and that stuff like this: float robot_torso_bone_number = gettagindex(self, “torso”); vector robot_torso_origin = gettaginfo(self, robot_torso_bone_number); is just wrong gettaginfo(self,0) would be more accurate there. OneManClan — 03/26/2021 0? Spoike — 03/26/2021 or gettaginfo(self.tag_entity, self.tag_index); would be what . . . → Read More

Battle Of The Bots III and VI

MORE bot updates, developments and philosophy. . . . → Read More

Absolute beginners guide seamless level switching (draft)


Mar 27 22:12:26 <OneManClan> 1. Is there any way in 2019 FTE to do the ‘seamless levels’ thing, eg like HalfLife, where the next level loads as you go around a corridor?Mar 27 22:12:26 <OneManClan> 1. Is there any way in 2019 FTE to do the ‘seamless levels’ thing, eg like HalfLife, . . . → Read More

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