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Weekly AGR Session: 25th March 2012

the supreme TF experience. We do get moments of this every week, but I know that the Dream Team Sessions will show the world, and generations to come what is truly possible in this game . . . → Read More

Weekly AGR Session: 18th March 2012

the gameplay has suffered because of this, so I will be enforcing the rules more strictly from now on. I’ll just explain all this for the benefit of the new guys who might wonder why certain people might get muted/kicked and possibly worse . . . → Read More

Weekly AGR Session: 10 March 2011

consider, the four maps of devastation before us, and prepare to deal with the consequences of our behaviours, for there is no mercy shown at that eternal battlefield, that Juggernaut of Justice . . . → Read More

Weekly AGR Session: 4th March 2012

The main essential element of all GREAT TF GAMES is 1. A plan, 2. communication and 3. anticlassing (for the newbies, this is when you respond to what the enemy is doing by changing class, in order to defeat them. . . . → Read More