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Weekly AGR Session (26th June 2011)

Hey people!!

The immortal rite of AGR continues, the torture never stops. As we, the last remaining remnants of a once great Quake civilization congregate and pay homage to the gods of Gibbage. The humiliation of defeat is total, but the screams of triumph are very very loud, at that Hostel of Horrors we . . . → Read More

Weekly AGR Session: 19 June 2011

The eternal quest to protect the Blue flag. “But OMC, how can it be eternal? We will all die someday, and this precious game will die with us.” NO! There IS a way to cheat death, and carry the game forward… . . . → Read More

Weekly AGR Session: 12 June 2011

Hey people!

Less than 24 hours to go as we enter that arena, that place where fingers meet plastic (um the keyboard), and decisions are made. Should I go Red or Blue? What class should I pick? What should I do? And each decision has consequences. The triumph of victory, or the pain of . . . → Read More

Weekly AGR Session: 5th June 2011

whilst the future is unclear, I know that with your help, the AGR bandwagon keeps rolling on and on and on. Hopefully it has reached the point now where these Sunday Sessions have become an institution . . . → Read More