Weekly AGR Session 17th June 2012

Hey people!!

Many of you might occasionally wonder how I can be so obsessed with AGR. What drives me to be one of those who are there every single week? Well, aside from the fact that I believe it is the greatest multiplayer game ever, I have a fear, a secret demon which haunts me. What is this fear? C’mon it’s a secret. Man.. ok then.. since you asked.. my fear is that the time will come when I won’t be able to play TF for a while, maybe a few weeks, maybe a few months, who knows, maybe longer. And my fear is that one day.. I will log on… really REALLY in the mood for a great game of TF, AGR style, and I’ll get all excited and ready for action, will log on… and… there will be noone there. The server will be empty. And it will be forever. NEVER again to hear the “10, 9, 8” countdown. Never again to see a shambler, or a tesla. And most of all, never again to see the names on the player list, names that have become a part of my life. I always knew that the time would come when me being there every Monday at 8am (9am in the summer) would not be an option. That time is now. OMC will be on the road for the next few months, so whether I’ll be able to make these Sessions or not is unknown. I realise that there’s really nothing I can do about this, and my (almost) perfect attendance record must come to an end. Will this make a difference? Well, I’ve tried to make AGR be as balanced as possible, the automated restarts, and the registration system makes it harder for anonymous losers to ruin games, so I shouldn’t really *need* to be there. While I’m gone, the Sessions will still be monitored, and I’ll be (at least) able to watch the demos! Coding wise, AGR v4 will probably be the final update. Over the next few months, I’ll have my laptop with me, and will try to play whenever possible.

The good news is that the top TF’ers, the ‘stars’ of the AGR world will continue to be there and make the Sessions just as action packed as ever! The fact that only registered players can vote means that the Sessions cannot be taken over by anonymous trolls, and I have been careful to only register those players who imho have consistently displayed good taste and judgement re map choices, vote decisions, and general courtesy. Having played on many servers in the past dominated by idiots, I’ve done my best to keep the AGR server dickhead-free. This should mean that the high standards of quality gameplay should continue, at that place I fondly call, the

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: People who who read these words

Why: Because I took the trouble to write them!

1. 2fort5r (52 minutes*)
The Classic.

2. oppose1 (62 minutes*)
The corridors of madness

3. UNSCHEDULED (62 minutes*)
YOU decide!

4. UNSCHEDULED (52 minutes*)
We’ve been getting less people on game 4 lately, so let the players decide during the intermission


We use a voice chat ventrillo for voice chat during AGR games. Download it, install it, and connect to, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels. Password is sent to those on the AGR Mailing List, but if you ask nicely during the game, someone might help you out.

Thanks to Sapphired, this Session (and previous ones) will be available for download here.

OMC’s tip: If you yearn to write a pre match info post, let me know!

Due to my travel preparations, I simply didn’t have time this week to follow up on this, I’ll do everything I can to make it ready for next weeks Session

all the best,


11 comments to Weekly AGR Session 17th June 2012

  • sticky_pipe

    funny to read, lol
    >here will be noone there. The server will be empty.
    scary movie for OMC=)

  • Wolfgang

    The time will come, it’s inevitable like life and death. Until then, let there be TF!
    Goodluck on your travels

  • sticky_pipe

    Till OMC were in game it was brilliant game ever played full defs 1-2 minutes, struggle and smart moves. OMC left server all ruined. No OMC- no AGR rule.

    Session ended after 1st match.
    GG travel OMC

  • haze

    sunday was father’s day

  • Beltan

    OMC, I’m going to email you.

    Sticky, you are talking about scrambling teams and that’s a bad idea and I’ll tell you why and you’ll agree and we’ll all get along.

    Noone can ever get better if they don’t play against tough opponents; to get better you have to recognize a mistake you are making, and if the people you play against don’t turn your mistakes to your advantage then you beat them without ever realizing you made the mistake in the first place.

    Take it from me- I doubt any of you have ever been beaten 266 to negative 8. I attribute losses like that to the reason I’ve gotten as good as I am at FPS games. It doesn’t usually show because I (mostly) resist using (relatively) overpowered weapons. Fighting with a handicap helps me improve in skill.

    It’s a constant learning process, and if you are like me then you may find that as you begin to outsmart crafty players you have difficulty maintaining your effectiveness against st…….simpler….tactics…because you are assuming your opponents are going to take a more intelligent action than they do.

    Not picking on you about this, StickyPipe, but I look around at gamers who are growing up in the newer generations (good heavens that makes me sound old) and I am disappointed at how frequently newer gamers forget that the whole point of the game is to have a fun challenge in a social atmosphere. The blame for this attitude can’t be placed on any one cause, though, I suppose. New gamers may only have an inkling of the concept, but they make the choice to ignore it. Meanwhile ‘older’ gamers aren’t taking the initiative and patience to help less experienced players AVOID the hurdles that we had to jump. I find myself guilty of this frequently, too. On top of all that, many companies are working hard to manipulate audiences into buying a product by promoting dumbed down gameplay so that MORE consumers buy the game rather than BETTER consumers for the community of gamers that sticks with a game they enjoy. I’m certain it isn’t ALL corporations, but there are plenty of them out there, and they are responsible for shipping half-assed products or games full of problems.

    • Doc

      “Noone can ever get better if they don’t play against tough opponents” says the guy who got smoked hard by Einherjar, cried cheater for weeks, and left.

      • Beltan

        I’m not here to play against computer programs that hit 100% of the time. I specced before I accused.

        Doc, yes, I was beat by Ein the cheater.
        Doc, yes, I made sure everyone knew Ein was cheating.
        Doc, yes, after several weeks of trying to get action taken to prevent cheating, I gave up for a while.

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