Weekly AGR Session: September 4th 2011

Once again the Juggernaut returns.
Once again the TFers of planet earth heed the call.
Once again we all gather at that Oracle of Obliteration
We all know as the:

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: People with serious issues.

Why: Because you can handle just one more.


1. 2ds2 (50 minutes*)
Small and a great warmup

2. 2fort5r [DREAM TEAM](60 minutes*)
This will be the first of the Dream Team matches. Five players vs all comers. For this match the Dream team will be defending, so everyone else will be Red.

3. 2mfield4 [toughmap mode](60 minutes*)
Gurus on Red as we see how they cope with Blue getting a little help.

4. oppose1 (50 minutes*)
Red will be devastated, if Blues RR is populated.

* times may vary depending on player numbers, vibe, and quality of teamplay.

AGR VENTRILLO SERVER, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels.

Thanks to Sapphired, this Session (and previous ones) will be available for download here.

OMC’s tip: Unless you’re a spy, if you’re Red and find yourself isolated, STOP (retreat if you have to) and wait for another Red to come along, and then proceed together.

I let the ‘no-chitchat during games’ rule slide a little last week and I regret it. It kills the vibe, totally distracts from the gameplay, and I suspect a certain person does it intentionally. So if you see me kicking/booting etc someone, OMC hasn’t gone nuts, it means I warned them multiple times privately, and they chose to not respect the server rules. We have three intermissions specifically for this purpose, and people can always talk before game1 or wait till after game 4.

Hopefully this week will be the first Dream Team match game2, 2fort5, with the Dream Team playing Blue. Lets see that happens!

Thanks to Ratbert, downloads on the AGR server will now be FASTER!!!

THE AGR ‘trusted players’ REGISTER
If I have time, I’m going to start putting in the restrictions in this week, the first will probably be the voting – unregistered players won’t be able to vote. I expect complaints from the trolls, but serious players will be relieved that trolls will now have NO say in who gets punished, or what map gets voted on. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, it means you are not on the AGR Mailing List, or you haven’t been reading your emails!

See you all Sunday!


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