Full Weapon Disclosure

Hi all

Man, I was so concentrating on my drive n chat, I missed my turnoff, and ended up driving for another 5 minutes before I realised that the shops and service stations I was looking at were not on my regular route! So.. I did a U turn (‘hook turn’ in the US?) and backtracked, and ughh, anyway I cut that bit out! Here’s the bit that counts:

0:00 The beauty of Timestamps
 0:49 Talk about non AGR topics (the virus?), or not? 
 3:35 Road Repair Scam? 
 5:00 Should players know other player's class details - ie "Full Weapon Disclosure"? 11:55 Secret project to be revealed soon 
 12:42 Wuhan Flu "Self Isolation" = perfect time for a BGM resurrection?

So… as discussed in my chat – should players be able to tell what the other players are carrying. Maybe it should be considered a ‘power’ and incorporated into some skill/ weapon? I simply don’t know… What do you think? You don’t? Well, have a think, and give your opinion. Here’s a poll for you.


Ok, it turns out that tyhe world is indeed as globe, and it’s daylight savings time – that time where I remind people that the reason the Sessions are held in 23:00GMT, is because it’s the only way that AGRmaniacs around the world can meet at the exact same time, eliminating any daylight savings confusion. Tonight Australians set their clocks BACK 1 hour. So for me, the Weekly AGR Session will start one hour EARLIER – ie 9am. Heres a link  In any case, if you log onto the AGR Server into the th_15 map, there will be a display telling you ‘how long to go’ till the session starts for YOU.

See you soon at the:

What: Weekend AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Every Saturday & Sunday 23:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here. note: Arrive early so as to not miss out on the action!

Who: Did I tell you about the zulu girl I used to go out with? We really got along well. We used to talk for hours!

Why: We just clicked.

MAP SCHEDULE: Canyon + ?? Something BIG and Intense! 

1 comment to Full Weapon Disclosure

  • Jonan

    Full weapon disclosure is unnecessary.

    (1) Real life situations, people have concealed items / weapons on them at any given time. You would only really get the gist of what they have when you are dealing with them.

    (2) Might be an idea to go the other way though. Say buying an item called “Weapon Concealment”. So it would only display the quake guy gun that you used to get before v weap.

    (3) Probably should overhaul your skin system in general anyway.
    (3a) Just have the damaged ones.
    (3b) The other effects are already noticeable by glows or other actions. (3c) Allow them to be downloadable, place them outside the pak, on the server.
    (3d) Even if you keep the current ones, and somebody wanted to get the Official Client, their console is flooded with skin errors (20 per class), making it frustrating for a new player, and a potential loss for the community.
    (3e) For the sake of knowing what a class has, perhaps allow more variation in the custom classes. Have, scout, sniper, soldier, demoman, medic, hwguy, pyro, spy, engineer, runner, warlock, chaplain, army officer, thief, hacker, guerilla, etc with their own skins. If they are similar enough to those classes, you add the Custom prefix infront of it. Example: Custom Soldier. If they don’t fit into those catagories, have ones based on the 8 Health / Armor groups. Even if it was just Non Armored Combatant, [1-2] Green Armored Combatant, [3-5] Yellow Armored Combatant, [6-7] Red Armored Combatant. Or, Non-Armored Combatant.

    (4) When you “ID” with certain items, in your possession, it should give you greater information about target.
    (4a) With Medkit, it should be display the current health number in white, red, or gold. With white being full health. In red if less than full health, and gold if more than full health.
    (4b) With Spanner, it should be display the current armor number in white, red, or gold. With white being full armor. In red if less than full armor, and gold if special armor is also being used. It could be possible to flash between gold, red, white.
    (4c) Scanner could see what’s in their inventory.

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