
Hey people!!!!

Let the madness begin!!

2fortember is HERE!

This Saturday 14th of December 2013, at 23:00 GMT,  the entire AGR playerbase will gather at one time, in one place, to try to create the BIGGEST Q1 Team Fortress event possible. Yes, its a ripoff or Rock2ober. Yes, Rock2ober 2013 FAILED to get 32 players. Yes I might be crazy for thinking 32 players in 2013 is possible .. but if you’re on this site, and you’re reading these words.. I know …. YOU’RE JUST AS CRAZY AS I AM! So there’s only one way to find out. Whether you’re a devoted AGR Maniac, a hater, or if you just love your Team Fortress anyway you can get it, once again, here is your chance to experience AGR in its most extreme form:

32 players!

120 minutes!

16 vs 16!




NO, it will not be pretty. YES it will be brutal. NO, the caps will not be easy. YES you will love it. Can 2fortember succeed where Rock2ober 2013 failed? Can we end 2013 with a 32 player extravaganza? Is the passion for TF ecstasy still there..? The love of the Art of TF? I say … YES!!

What: 2fortember

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Saturday 14th October, 23:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: Everyone who was at Rock2ober 2013, and everyone who wasn’t

Why: 2fortember!!!!!

1. 2fort5r (65 minutes)

2. intermission (10 minutes)

2. 2fort5r (65 minutes) SPAMADELLICA MODE (Team damage off, mirror damage off)


We use a voice chat ventrillo for voice chat during AGR games. Download it, install it, and connect to, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels. Password is sent to those on the AGR Mailing List, but if you ask nicely during the game, someone might help you out.

Demos will be available for download, check www.attackersgored.com, and the AGRMania youtube channels for details to follow

OMC’s tip: Spread the word about 2fortember, lets make 32/32 happen!

There might be a number of downloads, so get in early!

“Ok, but I don’t have Quake anymore, and don’t know / remember where to get the client!”. Make sure you use  FTE the only 100% AGR approved client. If you intend to play using Ezquake of Fuh etc, follow the instructions on upgrading to AGRv4, otherwise …you wont be able to connect!

“Ok, but I haven’t got CustomTF installed, where do I get the files?”. Go  here.

“Ok, but I’m married, and my wife doesn’t approve of me playing computer games.” Go here.


See you soon,


13 comments to 2fortember

  • sapphired

    “Be water my friend, keep on flowing”

    Ok, here is tactical disposal for 2fortember:
    There are two entry narrow points on the map:
    -top spiral
    -lift entry
    They should be guarded super good, i’ll be playing as top spiral demo or some other heavy duty class – guarding top spiral. One skilled player should play full-time top lift area.

    Also we need lite-engi with tele and stuff – to make ez access from spawns to flagroom – this tele tactic is super usefull to reach flagroom in case of fulldef and proven many times. This engi should also build some FR stuff and after it be usefull with shotgun. Don’t go full engineering EASY mode like many high ping or skill less players do, be flexible, always know flag status and be where you’re really needed.

    We need 1-3 players full-time run whole map dealing initial damage to BH-opers, spawn camping, helping position players, searching for teles – be water my friend, don’t go static mode, change you position or class depending on situation. Be effective. I watched Rock2october 2013 demo and realized why red lost, for example Beltan instead of dealing damage and running flag room was sacrifizing his class just giving auras standing like monument, yeah that’s help full but move more.

    Red weakness is that they pretty much individual playing, if you infect for ex Haze no one heal him or whatever. Be water my friend – change position, meet enemy where they don’t expect you, make more chaos – i refer to freerun players – not position like top, bottom demomen, RR or lift solder, lite engies etc.

    Position players – be responsable for your position, freeruners – deal initial damage and help positional players as well – be water my friend.

    Here is some pro-tips (c) Wolf
    -Don’t rely team mates
    -Always know flag and enemy position
    -Spyes can change their colors and skins
    -Always deal initial damage to help position guyz
    -“Be water my friend” – change position, tactics “depending on” current situation
    -The only advantage is teamwork
    -Slow down attackers even by sabotaging spawns
    -Col.Kurz ragefollow everything firing at him
    -No need go full engi, no need more then 1 еngi
    -Blue sniper on balcony can be nice stopping tactics
    -If whole team will buy cheap blank sentry without spanner tool, and if we got one normal engi, possible to build many full operated Sg’s same is buying one army solder and giving auras to them
    -Cheap KOP annoying – solution psy grenade, knife finish him off
    -Very high ping players – shoot sometimes

    Position requirments for 8v8:
    position players:
    -upper demo (me)
    -lift solder (skilled)
    -low spiral demo/fr basement/lift solder
    -rr, spiral/basement heavy duty (skilled)
    -main engi (high ping like OMC, Beltan)

    -balcony sniper/narrow corridors knifer
    -spawn sabotager
    -foe heavy duty solder
    -middle class freeruner like lighing gun guy

    Remember: be effective, don’t stay without job otherwise you teammate forced to play 2v1


    • Wolfgang

      Some good points but particularly these:

      If whole team will buy cheap blank sentry without spanner tool, and if we got one normal engi, possible to build many full operated Sg’s


      Spies can change colours/colors

      Pro Tip: Walking past a particularly important blue demoman/engy/choke point defender? Fire your weapon into the air to show the defender you are NOT a spy. If a blue doesn’t do this then shoot them!

      One area in particular that AGR players seem to struggle with is comprehending the very existence of spies. I know this because I’ve capped more flags as a spy than any other class so it takes one to know one. Spy check!

    • OneManClan

      I pretty much agree with everything Sapp says here.

      My recipe for a nicely spaced out, core ‘8 man’ Blue defense would be:
      1. Upper lift: Engie w tesla, and motion det in rr
      2. RR: Tanky lpb Soldier w nail grens
      3. RR: Backup lpb tanky ToughGuy
      4. Upper Room/Grid: Tanky DMer
      5. Upper Spiral: piper
      6. Mid Spiral: Tanky Sold w mines
      7. FR: Engineer + Tesla+ motion det
      8. FR: Tanky lpb Bodyguard for Engineer

      If we get anything near 32, there will probably be a place for a full time balcony defender (mines!), someone under the grid, and even a bunch of blues outside, damaging Reds at the bridge area.

      I’m thinking of attacking the first half, and defending the second. What do you guys plan to do? I’d rather be on a team with people using voice chat.

      ps. And yea +1 to the ‘Blue buy a SG which the engineer can build up’ idea!

      • sapphired

        >ps. And yea +1 to the ‘Blue buy a SG which the engineer can build up’ idea!
        Yeah that’s may be cool but not sure we got so much coordinated team, i’ve already pre-setuped 5 custom classes and to change quick during the match and there is no room for blank SG 🙁

        May be someone else can but like 2-3 players who read this. This tactic useful during FR(deep FR def) siege, may be good at the end of the game to keep win score.

        >I’d rather be on a team with people using voice chat.
        btw finally fixed FTE voip and it works fine thanks to guy (fan_q1) who advised me on server today

        But will use ezquake cause already got quick custom class change aliases those doesn’t work on FTE for some reason, also got totally unreadable charset with FTE, not possible to change it but moved one step closer to use FTE.

        Guyz better go use ventrillo and go setup and remove setting with sound beep when someone speak, pasword ‘agr4ever’ for some reason not mentioned in announce.

        • OneManClan

          “totally unreadable charsets” Please explain / screenshots.

          I didn’t mention ventrillo, because I’m encouraging people to use FTE’s built in voip, which btw can also be done with EZquake, using the instructions here:

          Ventrillo does have slightly better sound quality, but I’d sacrifice that to have our voices recorded in the demo!!!

          I’m torn here..

          • Wolfgang

            The only thing that puts me off using in-built voip with Ez/Fte is that surely it must create more lag as you’re going through the server? At least with Vent you’re using their servers and giving the ancient Quakeworld servers more bandwith?
            Seems whenever I listen in on Vent, the various characters there don’t really use it intelligently and have their volumes set too low or ear bleeding high.

            🙂 Pro Tip: Create some say_team binds for various situations such as “Incoming @ lift” or “Incoming spy”….”help @ FR” etc etc

          • sapphired

            2 Wolf
            Pro Tip 1: If you see Col-on-fire spawn holo and hide somewhere, enjoy windmill fight

            Pro Tip 2: Heard grapple sound, dont worry it’s KOP trying to get second floor

            Pro Tip 3: Summon shambler in FR give him aura – enjoy

        • sapphired

          https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/42564315/fte00006.jpg – charset totally unreadable and cannot be changed via charset fontname command lke in ezquake

    • Beltan

      “I watched Rock2october 2013 demo and realized why red lost, for example Beltan instead of dealing damage and running flag room was sacrifizing his class just giving auras standing like monument, yeah that’s help full but move more.”

      *Wincing* Yeah, in retrospect I should have attacked harder.

  • Wolfgang

    Some useful EzQuake (untested on FTE) binds for quickly telling your team stuff.

    Remember to type ‘bind’ before these commands and then whatever key you want to use. An example is you type:
    bind c say_team Incoming SPY %L

    say_team Incoming %L <<< Everyone should have this bind

    tp_msgreport <<< Gives location, health/armor

    tp_msghelp <<< Handy if your location is being over run by enemies

    tp_msgsafe <<< Lets your team know everything is ok at your location. Mostly useless

    tp_msgcoming <<< Lets your team know you're on your way to a distress call

  • sapphired

    Lol i just realized that that cyberaug consume cells and demoman got 15 pipes, shame on me

    Plus air-fist is super cheap and can be multifunctional weapon – giving BH-opers insta acceleration (summon Beltan), can be used as long range grenade/mirv launcher, rocket jumper/wall rider, enemy-pipes-set-destroyer, anti grenades – and it cost extra cheap (summon OMC) – requesting serious item prices reconsidering otherwise unbalanced gameplay

  • sapphired

    Guyz i just accidentally revealed ONE SINGLE wrong settings (ez and fte) that prevents me from bunny jumping in quake. I changed that setting and start b-jumping from first try. Lol its so easy. Welcome myself to the pro club, lol.
    http://youtu.be/AjiLrF4JdFs – here is proof video
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/fib2st3y4qpeyzc/bunny.gif – here is fun pic

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