Weekly AGR Session: 29th July 2012

Awesome Session for students of AGRology last week. One of the best oppose1’s ever. Imho Red should have tanked up and made a group attack w a chap, but hey, that’s how it goes. Red can discuss it’s failures, but at the end of the day, I suppose there comes a time to STFU and give credit to Blue’s great work. That was then, and this is now. And NOW is the time to turn our attention to the amazing battles that will take place at this weeks:

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: People who need therapy.

Why: Because unlike therapy, TF works.

[spamadellica mode=on] Team damage=off, Mirror Damage=off
1. qdeth3 (52 minutes)
RR D = GG, Empty RR = Slaughter match

2. z7 (52 minutes*)
The return of the Classic

3. spit1 (52 minutes*)
Prediction: Absolute mayhem.

4. YOU CHOOSE (52 minutes*)

Note: Map voting will be ON


We use a voice chat ventrillo for voice chat during AGR games. Download it, install it, and connect to, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels. Password is sent to those on the AGR Mailing List, but if you ask nicely during the game, someone might help you out.

Thanks to Sapphired, this Session (and previous ones) will be available for download here.

OMC’s tip: Seriously, defend qdeth3 in the RR, it’s the only way people, FR D WILL FALL if Blue cannot take control of the RR!

SPAM (part 2)
I REALLY enjoyed watching the demos this week, and am I crazy, or was the gameplay 100% better, more intense, and more focused… thanks to the stricter control of spam.  I wasnt pointing fingers btw, because I’m also guilty of  being ‘easy going’ with the NO NON-GAME RELATED CHITCHAT rule, and considering the gameplay improvement, the rule will be strictly enforced from herte on in. One nonamer complained about this last week, and (predictably) disconnected – thus proving he was only there for the troll. Standard.

Again, those non-registered players who are showing up as ‘non registered’ need to email me at the address you get your weekly reminder email.

Watching the demos via nquake/ezquake, I noticed some skins not showing up properly, something a few players have complained about, but I’ve never actually seen in-game. I really don’t know what caused this, as much of that part of the code is Classic CustomTF circa 1999. If anyone who understands the prob better can describe the technical details, i might be able to forward the details to one of the AGR Coding Gurus, and hopefully they will have the time 9and expertise) to assess the situation.

see you Sunday!!


18 comments to Weekly AGR Session: 29th July 2012

  • sticky_pipe

    Guyz do u have issue with .mvd POVs of players, its kinda locked on one player only. I double check all setting and cannot switch to others POVs. Able only to fly observing.

    Using ezquake 2.0
    Do you have same issue?
    >4. YOU CHOOSE (52 minutes*)
    Impact for sure, no doubts

    screenshot of the year,related to Pussyheads=): http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/s480x480/524305_457102567643029_1824892533_n.jpg

    Doc’s ass is on great demand…

  • Wolfgang

    I couldn’t observe myself or Haze on two of the demos last week. We both had no skins and were pure white. Must be something to do with when you actually join

    • sticky_pipe

      Hi there,
      Can you watch POVs of other players? Client?
      Haze always got no skin for me, think its cause of cheating much=) Masking his face.

      Guess it is cause of diff clients using by players – FTE, Darkplace, ezquake etc

      • Beltan

        In the mvd I was able to switch between all the players just fine, but Haze’s name didn’t show up so I ended up flipping through perspectives a few times before realizing that.

        Sticky I don’t know if it’s jump or fire, I think one switches perspective modes and the other flips between each player while remaining in first-person mode.

        Wolf, the name thing for Haze was the only problem I had.

  • Beltan

    Well, Playing on red this session was a massive disappointment. Played Chaplan the entire session and I am beside myself at how pitiful red’s attacks were.

    On the last map I played, Spit, there was a whole lot of nothing going on. I had AT MOST one other attacker with me, and we repeatedly got creamed playing 2v3. There were 8 players on the server and a whole bunch of talking but not much playing going on. Being on the server when noone’s really playing makes me wish I had quit 40 minutes earlier.

    • Beltan

      The disappointing part for me was that I hardly ever had multiple teammates with me after, and I think we should’ve had z7! especially with the time extension! Craziness.

  • OneManClan

    Demos are UP!

  • OneManClan

    qdeth3 1st half = BRILLIANT. A RR full of Blues, Engies got a chance to build in lower spiral – rock solid D!

    qdeth3 2nd half = WOEFUL. A RR full of Reds, and chain capping.

    I’ll look at the demo to see exactly what happened, but I think the empty RR said it all – someone went FR D, and the ‘front line’ of Blues D was the flagroom itself. Ugh, newbieville..

    z7 was amazing, not as much teamwork as i would have liked but (for me) some magic moments

    qdeth3 1st half 9/10
    qdeth3 2nd half 2/10 (because there were 1 or 2 players who did try to stay in the rr)
    z7: 8/10

    (bear in mind this is a strict numbering system where only a few games in history would make a 10/10

    • sticky_pipe

      OMC, can you upload demo just before your trip on 2fort5, you quit it 1/2 half match, it was epic ever 2fort5s. Plz.

      OMC, when playing qdeth3 like 5v5 and one player start re-customizing, whole team suffer very much, but no need to spam chat like ‘wtf, rr is empty, where is my team’ – your team is re-customising.

      The session was pretty sabotaged by guys who refused to play well and overall psy climate were pretty smelly (non related chat, spawn camping, stupid D, front D, 1v1 duels, ezy going, eating/faping during the match, changing sides etc)

      How stupid can be whole D team if they do not perform like a team, if they got enemy tele in FR – they had to kill it quick by whole team, but retarded guys still D. How can i rely on my team in such moments, even Col.Kurz.bot is much better in such situations.

      3-4 maps sabotaged by 1/2 players including me – not-related chat and stuff, but its ok, we worked hard on first 2 maps.

      Screenshot on the session:

      • OneManClan

        I found the 2fort5r_170612 demo, and ..it’s up!

        • sticky_pipe

          ty fro demo,will watch it now.

          OMC, how u doing? any photos from trip?

          It’s a pity about Ukrainian visa, such a sabotage by ukrainian corrupt government. Any chance to get it for free?

          I thought Ukr is free-visa-for-all-normal contries=(

  • Wolfgang

    Same old AGR server……I could come back in 10 years and some of you will be doing the same things.

    Kurtz….like Saph points out is very bot-like. Doc camping enemy respawns. KoP doing the tanked grapple/afk/fapping thing he does. Haze air fisting and not having a number 2 on his keyboard. OMC saying “RR is empty” and despite geography always having crap ping. Often…often speccing. Etc etc. It’s a completely unique experience. I hate my enemy and love my team mates. Then we do it all over again. 4 times….yeah that’s what she said

    • OneManClan

      Wolfgang, you are 100% wrong.. because .. well.. um..firstly.. err.. well, the fact is, that….um..*cough*..well, the thing is… er….you have to bear in mind that….. um…er…..hmm. 😳

    • Beltan

      Hey! Dafuq?! I don’t even get mentioned, Wolf? I see how it is. Don’t think I don’t. I’ll remember this.

      … XD …

      I’m the one that buys the medikit EVERY time and perpetually complains about imbalances and gameplay flaws despite never actually learning enough programming to attempt to correct these problems.

  • haze

    lol. i went blue last week 🙂 and we rocked , right sapph?

    i also have the demo problem, some people do NOT SHOW UP on the scoreboard (sometimes ME, why?), and i am LOCKED to viewing one player POV, or FREE FLY. not cool.

    ezquake 2.1 3330 from the website (NON_HACKED_VERSION!)

  • Have a big fat ping day in europe-a OMC this mon/sun day

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