Weekly AGR Session: 8th July 2012

Hey people!!!!
Really missed you all last week.. felt REALLY weird knowing it was 22:00 GMT, and I wasn’t in front of my comp, preparing for battle! I was actually on a plane, leaving Bangkok for Rome. As I write this, I’m in the South of Italy and it’s f**kin hot. Basically between 2-5pm you need to stop working and sit somewhere shady. I watched the demos of last week’s Session (thanks Doc!), and whilst I’m disappointed the overall gameplay (and turnout) was less than spectacular, the Weekly AGR Session was definitely ON. I know at least one regular player has an issue with Doc having rcon access, but believe me, this does not mean he can ‘do what he wants’. There are set Terms and Conditions for how the Sessions are run, and while many (including myself) have questioned Doc’s previous behaviour as a player, he has never let me down as an admin – he’s been there when he said he would be, stays the whole Session, the demos are recorded, the scheduled maps are played, intermissions set, and (as far as I know) there have been no accusations of abuse of muting/punishing/kicking privilages.
I’ve found an internet cafe which closes at 3am (?) so there’s a good chance that i WILL BE AT THIS WEEKS Session!! [EDIT: had massive problems connecting today/now, when uploading this, so there’s a chance there will be bandwidth problems! ]I was insanely sleep deprived two weeks ago in Bangkok (22:00 GMT = 5am Bangkok!), 22:00 GMT = 11pm (or midnight?) Italian time, so I can’t wait!!! I doubt anything from AGR v4 (see below for more info) will be ready for this week, as my brain has been overwhelmed with stuff (including improving my Italian), so lets enjoy some regular, old skool AGR action, at this weeks:

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: You

Why: Because not being there is not an option

1. qdeth3
Non stop brutul Action!

2. 2brave1 (62 minutes*)
Scotland or England? YOU decide!

3. town4 (62 minutes*)
With a special surprise, if time permits

4. bam4/?? (52 minutes*)
Lets see how many people will still be there!

We use a voice chat ventrillo for voice chat during AGR games. Download it, install it, and connect to, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels. Password is sent to those on the AGR Mailing List, but if you ask nicely during the game, someone might help you out.

Thanks to Sapphired, this Session (and previous ones) will be available for download here.

OMC’s tip: Map requests are STILL being taken!

AGR v4??
i did bring my files and code with me to possibly continue work on AGR v4, but I simply havent had time, and since there’s no / minimal net access where I’m staying, I can’t really communucate regularly/effectively with the coding Gurus of AGR. There are about 10 additions/updates which I’ll probably introduce one per week, so as to not freak people out. Many will affect gameplay, but they are based on rewarding players who achieve success with their skills(more information to follow), and of course, gameplay will be adjusted of anything seems unfair/unbalancd.

see you Sunday!!


23 comments to Weekly AGR Session: 8th July 2012

  • Doc

    thank you for the kind words

    • sticky_pipe

      Doc, everyone know u Dochead asshole and sabotager and spoil many session like retard kid, epic troll.

      Stop it plz. Enought!

      • Doc

        seriously mang, you need to learn a new word. all you do is run around yelling sabotage sabotage sabotage omgsabotagewtf. so to you, “Stop if plz. Enought!”

  • sticky_pipe

    Hi Adonis legendary father of AGR mod, already in history with outer great Custom< Mega and all TF developers and players.

    How u tripping in Thai?
    Sexy time?

    Guyz lets play good and give a good demos to our OMC flying from Bagok to Rome, happy fly OMC.

    Also lets play today Sapphired session, but we need to ban Dochead 1st. on Rock2 Mega TFers vs True AGRers.

    I can substitute you on session and admin AGR sessions for guyz. Like me is a depute, u sheriff.

  • sticky_pipe

    >OMC’s tip: Map requests are STILL being taken!

    me wanna territory as 2nd map plz. TY

  • Wolfgang

    Hope to see you Sunday OMC. Your ping should atleast be better than it has ever been anyway.

    Whilst choosing Doc to admin is ironic and perhaps to some offensive, I just have to laugh and shrug at your decision OMC. It’s 2012 and I’m still playing QuakeTF so really….who cares.

    See you soon fraggers

    • Beltan

      Doc the admin, yep I “just have to laugh and shrug” at your decision also. Feels kinda like you spit in my face, though, taking someone who I made it clear I felt was a detriment to our community and giving them additional control over the server.

      If you want people who go out of their way to make other people’s lives more miserable I guess I’ll never be an admin.

      • Doc

        i show up every single week, not everyone does that. i do absolutely NOTHING wrong. i do not abuse ANYONE. i could have easily muted you beltan last night for spamming the same old chat message over and over and over, but i just let you have your fun. i made sure the game happened, maps, got changed, and the demos got recorded. you people are so jelly, i could spread you on toast. oh yes, i said it. 🙂

  • Beltan

    Glad we got to see OMC for a few minutes, at least. It feels good to be back.

    I know it’s still in the testing phase, but that ‘payload’ cracked me up it was so horrible XD moves like an inch a minute, haha! Not complaining about spawncamping (cheers both to spawncampers and hardcore mofos that don’t whine about it and just HANDLE it) but the spawns on TOWN4 are *heave sound effect*!

  • Beltan

    Doc, you and other people post what music you are listening to all the time.

    If this is against the rules, let’s all stop doing it.

    If it isn’t against the rules,
    I’d like to let you know I appreciate your threats and complaints, because that indicates to me that your own behavior is upsetting you, and you deserve to have a taste of your own medicine since you’ve always claimed to take such pleasure in the suffering you cause others.

    Take additional displeasure in the knowledge that I will be enjoying myself as I seek every possible way to torment you while following the rules. It’s payback time.

  • sticky_pipe

    Darren Dares
    Sapphired AGR session tonight on AGR server, tastyspleen.net:26666 on map Rock2.
    Jion Join Join bad ass retarded sabotage troll kids.

    I’m already on server!

  • Beltan

    I like that you think I’m going to click links that you post. You’re just another cancer cell of the internet:)

    It’s too difficult for you to accept that people may truly despise you.

    People don’t like you. You *aren’t* funny. You aren’t even dedicated or original enough to come up with a valid response. Really pause for a moment, take in what I’m saying. You already know all this but you’re trying to ignore all these facts. Until you stop forcing yourself to ignore these things, you’ll slip deeper and deeper into depression, which makes you even less likeable, funny, and dedicated.

    • Doc

      ok i’ll read. oh snap, a bunch of basement dwelling internet nerds don’t find me funny or like me? that really makes me sad and depressed and i might just spiral out of control and become an hero. only way out it seems. being liked by custom tf players was all that was keeping me going. oh well.

  • OfteN

    Calm down guys, didn’t know posting the music you are listening is against the rules. I think it isn’t, anyway if it annoys people out, I will stop. But, Beltan you never complained about it in a serious way. Just ask nicely while in game and you’d be surprised how well that works.

    • Beltan

      Asked nicely a hundred and fifty times over the course of thirteen sessions. What would be ‘serious complaining’? 😐

      So eventually I lose patience and become more abrasive.

      I’ve pulled all-nighters just to keep a group of trash-talking-griefer-mother-fuckers on the server I was on so that they didn’t move to a server and fuck up someone else’s night. I even told them I was doing it, too.

      I’ve trolled and upset some mean-spirited arrogant dirtbags into shutting the fuck up and/or quitting before, too. Believe me when I say I can be an aggravating monster. It’s easy. As long as I’m doing it for a good cause (upsetting some fuckoff or keeping a griefer off of other servers so that somewhere someone enjoys their game instead of having to worry about some jerkwad who elects to ruin the game for everyone including themselves to get a false sense of satisfaction that is actually regret in disguise.

  • Beltan

    Whoops, you read that as an insult instead of a hard truth.

  • Beltan

    You’re so desperate that you have to respond to everything, and you keep using the same trash responses thinking that it somehow improves your standing in the eyes of those who read it.

    I’m sure one of these days if you keep it up I’ll forget my resolve and try to reach out to you again because I’m stubborn.

    When you reform all the regrets of your past will hit you anyway.

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