Weekly AGR Session: June 3rd 2012

Hey people,

Seven hours to go until the people, people around the world, in multiple timezones, the last remaining TF players gather, log on to tastyspleen.net:26666 to face their destiny. Some excellent gameplay last week, check out the demos. Premiering June 10th (next week!) will be [EDIT: CENSORED – THIS WILL BE A SURPRISE]. It might not be 100% finished, but enough to (hopefully) blow peoples minds!! I might make a post about it before, or might wait until later.. (or both?).. Until then, let us gather, and as dear friends, annihilate each other to oblivion, at that Velodrome of Vengeance, we like to call the:

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: Attackers and Defenders

Why: To go Red, or Blue.

1. bam4 (62 minutes*)
Never done this is the first map – it’s time.

2. 2night2 (62 minutes*)
It’s back – look out!

3. dune1/sewer1p (52 minutes*)
Yes – YOU decide which if these TOUGH MAPS you want!

4. cloudy (52 minutes*)
Lets do it!


We use a voice chat ventrillo for voice chat during AGR games. Download it, install it, and connect to, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels. Password is sent to those on the AGR Mailing List, but if you ask nicely during the game, someone might help you out.

Thanks to Sapphired, this Session (and previous ones) will be available for download here.

OMC’s tip: Remember: if there’s a particular map you want played on a particular day, at a particular time, email me!

Ok, there are two schools of thought: A. Don’t put stuff up until its finished and 100% perfect. School of thought B: Put up new stuff regularly, and as the thing is developed and/or faults are ironed out, just upload the latest version. After all before 2fort5, there was 2fort 1-4, so there’s no shame in putting up something not quite finished. I mean already we’ve had fun with the “Payload Town”, even though it’s supposed to be a prototype, and there are heaps of things unfinished. So.. give me your thoughts (below).. I’m veering towards B – if a prototype like the current Payload Town can be so popular, maybe the other stuff can give people joy, whilst being in the process of being created.

I actually played a little TF2 during the week, and it’s ‘good’, it’s ‘fun’.. but lacks.. something.. the comic vibe is entertaining, but somehow makes the game less.. intense .. Somehow getting killed in our game feels more personal, like the person who killed us felt a rush – went ‘cool’, rather than ‘um, ok, there’s another kill’. Maybe because the game is tougher, or because of the sounds.. I’ll probably make a post in the AGR forum at some stage with an analysis, just to see what you guys think.


See you soon,


4 comments to Weekly AGR Session: June 3rd 2012

  • sticky_pipe

    Full moon session warning, be tolerate, feel raged – spec a bit.

    Tip to Col.Kurz – no need to customize each time as pyro, AGR has vary of weapons. No need to kill/follow Doc on red base, pass him with spawn protection.

  • Wolfgang

    As far as maps go OMC, you should upload them even if they are prototypes. It’s always a positive thing to have players test them out in a real match. I’m totally in favour of “school of thought B”. The player base is small and dedicated to TF so why not

  • Beltan

    TF2 is a whole different beast. I think what differentiates it most from TF is that it is much faster paced. In TF fights, you *usually take many hits before you die, so there’s more time to strategize a little bit.

    In TF2, if someone gets a crit, 95% of the time you’re just screwed. There’s still good ol’ instakill headshots and now there are instakill backstabs in addition

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