Weekly AGR Session: 8th April 2012

Ok people.

We tried the Dream Team last week, and for a moment there, it was good. Yes it fell apart, with one player going AFK, another refusing to use ventrillo, but for a brief moment everything was in order. Everything made sense. Will there be a Dream Team match this week? That’s up to the players. Personally, I’m available, any time, any place, to give an account of myself, to the best of my abilities, at that Netherworld of Nefariousness known as the:

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: Australians!

Why: Because Monday is a public holiday, and you can make the Session!


1. fcast/north1 (52 minutes*)
If we get 5 people willing to stick to their positions, it will be a Dream Team match!

2. crowns1 (62 minutes*)
Guard the Key!

3. town4 (62 minutes*)
AGR Payload!

4. 2tech4 (62 minutes*)
RR D all the way!


We use a voice chat ventrillo for voice chat during AGR games. Download it, install it, and connect to, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels. Password is sent to those on the AGR Mailing List, but if you ask nicely during the game, someone might help you out.

Thanks to Sapphired, this Session (and previous ones) will be available for download here.

OMC’s tip: Spread the word about our Weekly Session, we should be getting 32/32, every week by now!

There’s a lot of it about, remember, the AGR Sessions run to GMT time, so check the link above to find out what time 22:00 GMT is for YOU.

See you soon,


2 comments to Weekly AGR Session: 8th April 2012

  • OneManClan

    Awesome Session! All 4 games have been uploaded
    mininoheros: (D team postponed till next week ??) fast, furious brilliant
    crowns1: after a weird bug (?) game was restarted, and was a truly epic battle, many said it was the best crowns ever – I agree!
    town4: This was just .. vicious – Blue were on fire, there was no holdup, it was an all encompassing battle.. Red struggled, but finally triumphed.. the respawns need to be adjusted, because Red is far from the cart in the (difficult) beginning, but closer to the (much easier) second half.. hmm
    2tech4 – started VERY sloppy with FR D, and a Red tele noone looked for (not pointing fingers, I blame myself as well), but once it was killed, and more Blues (finally) helped in the RR, it was an intense struggle for power – 2tech4 played at a level not seen for years
    A VERY satisfying Session, and we had over 21 players at one point which (of course) added much to the non-stop action! 😀

  • Please have a once a month or just one day! with a server in the Asia Pacific so our (Au) Ping is ‘normal’ and we can have some fun 😉

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