Weekly AGR Session: 7th August 2011

Hey people!!

Ok, well last weeks Session was the premiere of Vomitus Maximus, either the funniest, or possibly the most disgusting thing ever seen in any FPS. This week we have yet another new *thing* making it’s debut from AGRv3 – I don’t need to tell you what it is, you’ll see it. Compared to last weeks feature, it’s almost ‘cute’. Toughmap_mode has gone down very well indeed, though I still think it’s a bit of an indictment on the lack of organisation and skill shown by Blue. After all AGR from the beginning was intended to be TOUGH, and ideally there should be no need for hand holding, mercy, or concessions at that Kiosk of Knavery we all refer to as the:

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: People who feel that the Chap should look more holy.

Why: Because now he will.


1.  rs_zz1 (30  minutes*) [toughmap mode]
This request is a darker version of zigzag, which has never before been viable, but now with tough_map mode… we’ll see.

2. 2fortflood (60 minutes*)
My first impression was that this map was a joke, but I admit, it grew on me. You’ll need scuba, but this should be very very interesting

3. impact1(60 minutes*)[toughmap mode]
Ok, Red can still get in via the drop down chute, but due to tough_map mode, getting out won’t be so easy..

4. TBA(60 minutes*)

* times may vary depending on player numbers, vibe, and quality of teamplay.

AGR VENTRILLO SERVER, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels.

Thanks to Sapphired, this Session (and previous ones) will be available for download here.

OMC’s tip: If you miss clan matches, want to play in an organised game, or have a D or O theory you’d like to try, make a post on the AGR forum. If you’re wondering if OMC will help be on your team, or help test your theory, the answer is YES.

You can read the story behind the Vomit here.

By the way, the Dream Team doesn’t have to be a defending team. If you think you or your buddies are the elite, then let me know when you want to be tested, and what map, and I’ll set it so that only your team can go Red.

See you all Sunday!


7 comments to Weekly AGR Session: 7th August 2011

  • Piper

    map choice – bullshit
    1. DM bullshit
    2. fortflood 50/50 playable
    4. not sure

    OMC, may be we replace at least one map to more classic?

    2 Doc – 1st in 1st out, tro lo lo

  • OneManClan

    rs_zz1 was a request, and might be different in tough map mode. We can swap it for the more brightly lit original zigzag3 if it proves unplayable. 2fortflood was also a request, but gametime can be shortened if the players want. The last map hasn’t been decided yet, so you tell me!

  • OneManClan

    ok, the player who requested fortflood has just told me he wont be there this week, so I’m not sure whether to leave it in or not… I personally would like to play it, but I’ll check what comments ppl leave here. I can always shorten the timelimit if the game is less than awesome, though I recall last time it was a gg, i’ll check the demos

  • Piper

    I like the idea of flying cameras (beta), respect to OMC, really cool inovation. must see it. I propose to use such cameras or flyes if observer tracking a player from players POV.
    Did not see chap face.

    The session itself were good and positive, lot of fun, g pleasure and lol talks/trolls

    1. rs_zz1 – too fast
    gg: 6/10

    2. fort5r – not bad
    gg: 7/10
    fun: 7/10
    teamplay: 7/10

    3. cloudy – gg, good play both sides, lot of fun, must see demo if you miss the action
    gg: 9/10
    fun: 9/10
    teamplay: 8/10

    4. ???

    aftersession were nice 2farms – whole game red were trying to kill Doc’s tesla)

  • haze

    the cameras are a distraction to the gameplay and the spectators shouldn’t have the ability to mess with a player by whipping a camera model around them while they play. i think alot of people would rather see omc’s efforts used to fix bugs (skin bug) and iron out the mod rather than keep adding zany novelty features that are making a silly mod into a bigger joke.

  • Piper

    I think the idea is perfect, yes the distraction factor present, no doubt, but specs are at most ‘nice people’ and may be its possible to use some command to remove all cameras for certain player by typing at console ~no_cameras_for_me

    This feature is a little revolutionic for me, cause i never seen such before and may be it will bring to a game new ..how to say..new breathing. It’s very funny and interesting. May be its possible to test and impove this feature and time will tell.

    >are making a silly mod into a bigger joke.
    so why you are playing? go play TF2 with kids, no camneras, no bugs)

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