Weekly AGR Session: 1 May 2011

Hi all,

Take heed, for the time is nigh. Last week was a true explosion of TF intensity, with some of the most amazing action seen in ages including an edge-of-your-seat first half of the dreaded dune1 – (one of the most unforgiving maps ever devised)… where Blue had a perfect score – until it all fell apart.. Have you seen the demo yet? But the issue at hand is the 4 games which we will all face this Sunday, at that Cathedral of Calamity we know as the:

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: People who failed to do their job last week

Why: Because this is your chance for redemption


1. 2phan7 (50 minutes*)
A great combination of open air battles, battle amongst buildings, and a busy FR.

2. hedge7 (60 minutes)
I have a vague memory of playing this before at a Weekly AGR Session – but don’t really remember the gameplay – maybe the map has a bug – let’s see how we go. I haven’t played this map enough to have any suggestions, so – you tell me!

3. impact1 (60 minutes*)
Blue will need someone on the roof to stop Red accessing the flag that way. There are too many alternative paths to the FR to make RR D a viable option, so I’d say roof, and (in this case) FR (and surrounding area) D.

4. 2fort5r(60 minutes)
We actually haven’t done this for a while (unless you count 2fortflood) so it’s time to return to the classic!

* times may vary depending on player numbers, vibe, and quality of teamplay.

AGR VENTRILLO SERVER, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels.

Thanks to Sapphired, this Session (and previous ones) will be available for download here.

OMC’s tip: Don’t waste time attacking solo. One Red can’t (usually) cap solo. Coordinate something with your teammates.

Team Damage and Mirror Damage are now dynamically adjusted depending on how skillfully you are playing. Mirror Damage starts at (default) 0% and increases the more you teamkill. Team Damage starts at (default) 100% and decreases the more you teamkill. If a player stops teamkilling, things slowly revert to default. Please keep these details to yourself, as I would like the workings (and even the existence) of this code to not be known by any potential dickheads.

It’s silly not to use it. You don’t want to be silly, do you?

See you all Sunday!


3 comments to Weekly AGR Session: 1 May 2011

  • Doc

    i may not be able to make it this week due to some things going on, so if i’m not there, have enough fun for me. 🙂

  • OneManClan

    Brilliant Session today, my (subjective) experience of it:
    2phan7: Excellent, definitely will want to watch the demo of this. I spent 1/2 the game in the FR w Pa3 (who was a piper), after setting up (and hacking) my tes and motion det, I (stupidly) tried to build a SG outside but (typically) moving so far from the FR means I couldnt protect my equipment, my tes died, and pa3 had no backup – I eventually went back to the FR, but blame myself for a couple of Red caps
    hedge7: frustrating (not a fav map of mine), spent most of the game trying to build a tele so my teammates could avoid the middle maze area. The maze makes it hard for Red to get into a ‘battle formation’, and therefore easy for a knifer (doc) to inflict much pain.
    impact1: good, but only 2 Blues were really working together
    2fort5r: EXCELLENT! There was one moment where Blue were all upstairs and we had the base LOCKED UP!! Of course Red started capping, I thought to myself (RR must be ampty) checked, and and ‘lo and behold – it was! Grrr.

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