The Walls!

What: Weekly AGR Sessions


When: Saturday AND Sundays 23:00 GMT/ 19:00 EST. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: People who miss playing the BIG maps!

Why: Because The Walls means the big maps are BACK!!

MAP SCHEDULE: <tba>Oppose1/Canyon1 (?)

Spamadellica: ON (team damage: off, mirror damage: off)


As stated in the video, the proposed timeslot for Rock2ober 2015 is:
22:45 GMT, Saturday, October 24th 2015
If you CAN’T make it, please let me know asap!

Newbies: please log on to the server BEFORE the Session begins to confirm your registration, and to make sure there are no  technical issues. If it says “you are NOT registered”, email me.


4 comments to The Walls!

  • Beltan

    The obsessive work you’ve done in the design, OMC, I personally find admirable. It’s clear to me that despite all the obstacles in your path, you’ve spent years’ worth of blood, sweat, and tears into AGR.

    All of your time and effort is being sacrificed at your own hands, though. If you don’t harden the fuck up…and permanently remove the people intentionally ruining the game for others by any means they have available.

    The most prominent of these griefers has made it abundantly clear that their goal is to drive away your player base, thereby killing your project and wiping out all your work.

    Every time they spam, every time they berate someone in the community, they are spitting in your face. They are taking a torch to your precious AGR.

    In the end, whatever problems they refuse to deal with by instead lashing out at others will eventually catch up to them. Your refusal to deal with them is actively killing the AGR community and has been since they showed up.

    My challenge to you would be to deal with your problem before it destroys what you care about.

    I was on the server early, ready to play tonight. I went afk before the match to eat and when I got back a particular long-time griefer was spamming. Again.

    Then I noticed that the griefer I’m talking about had changed their name, adding ” #decimusrekt” to the end of it. So they are not only allowed to spam, but to just passively berate other members of the community.

    It’s getting more difficult to convince myself to keep coming back and trying to play on your servers when griefing like this is allowed.

    The griefers won’t stick around when there are no targets left to lash out at on your server. When it’s over and you’ve lost everything you worked for, and you wonder where it all went wrong, remember it’s you’re fault for having the authority to do something about it and refusing to.

    • OneManClan

      The BS is limited to two players, who have been berating each other for years. I DO agree with many of the points you raise however, and have been perhaps too lenient in enforcing the ‘no chit chat during matches’ rule.

      There will be an appropriate response.

  • Pulseczar

    Cool idea — blocking off parts of large maps.

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