Weekly AGR Session: 1st December 2013

2FORTEMBER: Don’t forget: 32 player 2fort5r game: Saturday 14th December 2013, 23:00 GMT

Reminder to newbies 1: Please check that you can connect AND are registered BEFORE the Session begins, because, I will not be available for technical support on the day.

Reminder to newbies 2: The Weekly AGR Session is run in accordance with some (perhaps) peculiar rules. Please make sure you read, understand and respect the AGR Terms and Conditions:

Reminder to everyone: If you get kicked to the console with a “cannot find/download agr_banner9 .mdl” message, please just keep reconnecting, you will eventually connect. The matter is being looked into .

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: People into multiplayer madness!

Why: Because it wont be on till next Sunday!?

MAP SCHEDULE = swamp3, braveheart, impulse

FTE the official AGR Client:

Download the lastest official AGR approved FTE here!

Also, if you’re using FTE (which you should be for the full AGR experience!) and want it to be as fast as possible, make sure you select ‘fast mode’ (Options->Graphics Presets) and in addition, at the console, type in:

  • r_waterstyle 1
  • cl_nolerp 1

This should exactly match ezquake in terms of responsiveness. Please confirm, in the comments below.

[NOTE:  Ventrillo is being phased out. Here’s a link on how to use AGR Voice2Demo]
We use a voice chat ventrillo for voice chat during AGR games. Download it, install it, and connect to, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels. Password is sent to those on the AGR Mailing List, but if you ask nicely during the game, someone might help you out.

All games are recorded, only the best are uploaded, in the comments section below. All demos are available upon request

5 comments to Weekly AGR Session: 1st December 2013

  • OneManClan

    Swamp3: I was red, a little frustrating, not much teamwork, not much team communication

    Braveheart: the first one was sloppy, but the second was great, though Blue wasted time deciding which position to D in. I really think we need a Dream Team braveheart game, w a structured, preset, pre rehearsed D, following a plan. I stupidly said I’d take care of the tele, but then it took a while to kill it, and Red were zapping themselves deep into Blues base – in hindsight I should have asked for help earlier – team comms were MUCH better during this game! Just a little makes a HUGE difference! A GG but not *brilliant*.

    impact (not ‘impulse’!): excellent game, The only one today I’d watch the replay of. Once Jonan and I established our D on the roof, Red struggled, and in the end IIRC it was a draw! Probably not as good as the impact we did a few years back (man should keep a list of “the best of AGR”) but definitely in the top 3 impacts ever played!

    Overall a very solid, satisfying Session. minimal BS and some very intense moments in impact! 🙂

    Here are the demos!!

    • Beltan

      Below are a few things I’ve tried to do to stop people from hopping through and speedcapping.

      Attempt: Standing in their path and shooting them to break their momentum.
      Outcome: I break their momentum, and they hit me with a grenade, psi or normal, then hop past.

      Attempt: Have some of your own medicine, rawr! *Toss nade!*
      Outcome: Due to their high rate of speed, I get one chance to hit them before they’re gone. Even if the encounters are successful, I’m soon out of grenades.

      Attempt: Sentry guns and grunts.
      Outcome: Sentries and grunts are grenade fodder- also grunts aren’t good at hitting moving targets (nails).

      Attempt: Airfist to block them.
      Outcome: Successful at breaking their momentum…however, there are a few flaws.
      1- They can time a shot or grenade in between my airfist shots while advancing, basically meaning I have to choose to eat explosives or let them pass.
      2- The airfist is is over $2000. (Hopping is free, gymnast only $450)
      3- I rely heavily on teammates to deal the damage to wipe out the attackers, as the airfist doesn’t do much on the damage side and the lightning speed of hoppers means I have to have it equipped at all times.
      4- The fist uses cells, making it vulnerable to krac grenades and EMPs (EMPs having a wide area of effect).

      Attempt: Chaplan grenade spamming tank.
      Outcome: Actually had someone GRAPPLE into the ‘holy’ field and nab the flag before, but 99% of the time it’s countered by the same thing that counters everything: Krac and/or Psi grenades.

      Somebody let me know if there’s a strategy or two that might stop hoppers, because so far it really feels like blue is severely fucked due to the ridiculous speeds the game allows.

      A speed cap would really help to force hoppers to actually participate rather than simply bypassing the combat.

      Kracs and Psionic nades really need a couple of good strong counters so that they don’t beat everything.

      Sentries and Teslas should take less metal to build if they are going to be wiped out in 1 or 2 nades, it isn’t balanced that an engy has to spend 2 minutes working on a build that is fucked over by 1 krac grenade, don’t you guys agree?

  • Wolfgang

    Most, if not all of your outcomes would be affected by player skill, less to do with what you tools you are using.

    Do you expect a red spy to engage in a fire fight with a defender when the flag takes precedence over all?
    Were you surprised that I had to psion you when I’m a red spy and you are a blue tank build or perhaps you expect me to try and DM you? Did you know that a grenade script isn’t cheating and neither is bunny-hopping? Have you played anywhere else apart from AGR?

    I don’t want to be negative towards you Beltan but your unwillingness to learn fundamental Quake skills is actually what is wrong here.

    The one thing I do agree with you on though is engineers being weak. I complained long ago about 275 metal (stock engies) is too low and that it should be 375 metal. I’ve also repeatedly asked for an anti-grav gun for engineers so builds can be moved to keep attackers guessing. HWGuys are still weaker than any engineer (or all the other classes).

    Has any of this been implemented? Has any kind of platform for the AGR community to discuss, debate and decide what should be changed in AGR been set-up?
    Is there a page on this website that list code changes and what the community thinks about it?
    OMC, what is wrong with getting the players and community more involved in AGR changes?

    • Beltan

      “Do you expect a red spy to engage in a fire fight with a defender when the flag takes precedence over all?” – Wolf

      No. The spy’s job is to set traps and screw up defenses…the spy should be avoiding direct confrontations and shouldn’t be touching the flag as it undisguises them.

      Unfortunately the disguise kit is frequently used crudely to prevent automated defenses from attacking as an OBVIOUS SPY HOPS AT 80 mph through the base. Nothing subtle or compelling about that- you weren’t a spy, just someone using the spy kit.

      “Were you surprised that I had to psion you when I’m a red spy and you are a blue tank build or perhaps you expect me to try and DM you?”

      I have no issue with you wanting to play as a scout that disguises. Psi grenades allow you disable EVERYTHING A PERSON HAS, while you hop past them at a higher speed than cougar without having had to pay the $6000 for it. You don’t fight anything, you just hurtle past the entire enemy team and all their builds and summons and escape with the flag because nothing kills a gymast with 150 yellow fast enough to stop you from moving the flag a huge distance every time. You aren’t blending in, you don’t attempt to fight, and when you lose it’s only 10 seconds before you are back again just trying to run past.

      I have played the game you want to play, and it isn’t custom TF, it’s called “N” and it’s about a character with no attacks that runs around avoiding enemies. I’m sure you will enjoy it if you don’t already play it.

      “Did you know that a grenade script isn’t cheating and neither is bunny-hopping? Have you played anywhere else apart from AGR?”

      Scripting and abusing glitches destroys the entire point of the game. It’s supposed to be a competitive test of skill. Sports ban steroids because they don’t want it to be “Who took the most steroids”.

      Yes I played a lot of TF and CustomTF on other servers although for years now I’ve only played on AGR. Sounds like you intend to imply that abusing glitches is fair because lots of people do it. When someone says “Strength in numbers” I say “Fly paper”.

      In regular CTF both sides have about the same advantage from hopping, but in AGR one team- the defenders- are put at a huge disadvantage because of this.

      “I don’t want to be negative towards you Beltan but your unwillingness to learn fundamental Quake skills is actually what is wrong here.”

      If ever there was someone ‘unwilling to learn fundamental skills’ it would be someone who gets a timer for their grenades and relies on tossables as their primary attack- which prevents fighting in a game designed around two teams fighting. I’ve also told you no-listening jackbags that I KNOW how to glitch, but unlike you I choose not to cheat myself out of a competitive experience.

      In my eyes, if you had to cheat to beat me, you didn’t really beat me at all.

      “The one thing I do agree with you on though is engineers being weak….HWGuys are still weaker…”

      Balance can be more finely tuned by making sentries easier to build rather than making them harder to destroy.

      Heavies and sentries have the same weakness: immobility. They get blown to fuck by tossable nades.

      I maintain my belief that having a HWcannon that bumps away or destroys projectiles would be cool and improve the heavy drastically without making him overpowered.


      Thanks for discussing it with me, Wolf. Some people just want to be jerkasses about it, but I appreciate you at least chatting.

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