Weekly AGR Session: 10th November 2013

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: People into multiplayer madness!

Why: Because it wont be on till next Sunday!?

MAP SCHEDULE = box3, sewer1/north1/ditch2/qdeth3

FTE the official AGR Client:
Download the official AGR approved FTE here!

[NOTE:  Ventrillo is being phased out. Here’s a link on how to use AGR Voice2Demo]
We use a voice chat ventrillo for voice chat during AGR games. Download it, install it, and connect to, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels. Password is sent to those on the AGR Mailing List, but if you ask nicely during the game, someone might help you out.



Bad News: The old site here, is no longer working. Good News the demos have all been saved, and new ones are available upon request

25 comments to Weekly AGR Session: 10th November 2013

  • Beltan

    What is the name of the music that I forever attribute to TF that you play on your weekly AGR vids?

    I’m surprised we can’t get together more than once a week, even if there are relatively few of us.

    As it is now, when something comes up on my Sunday evening, I’m screwed and can’t make it.


  • Beltan

    Rock2ober 2013 demos won’t follow the direction the player is looking when you spectate from their view.

    • sapphired

      >demos won’t follow the direction
      yeah its not only for you, same here(

      Great session ditch 10/10 mark – epic, it was super fun to play. Demo plz

    • OneManClan

      Works fine for me. Are you using the latest FTE, ie using the link here?

      [EDIT: you’ll have to unzip the demo first; yes I know, I know, EZquake can open zips and read the *.mvds inside, its on the FTE do-to list, ok? ;)]

      • Beltan

        btw just a heads up, I said screw it I’ll try watching with FuhQuake…
        …Which now doesn’t appear to work since using FTE. Well, FECAL MATTER.

        Others with the latest version said they have the same issues, but I’ll pull up the new version sometime and try it with that.

        • OneManClan

          Just to clarify, there *was* a replay issue w previous version of fte, which has been fixed. I don’t see how using fte could have any affect on fuhquake; how do you mean ‘doesn’t appear to work’?

          • Beltan

            Well, it worked before I used FTE and now it isn’t working (FuhQuake, I mean)…not that it much matters, because we’re going to be sticking with FTE.

            The link you gave me sends me to your “PLAY NOW!!” page on the AGR site, which has a link to the 32bit version of FTE, but I need the latest 64bit version.

            I’ve gotta go find it. Somewhere.

    • OneManClan

      Ok, I’ve updated the ‘Play Now’ page to include the 64bit version of the client. Note: Some people have had (sound) issues with the 64 bit version, if so, 64 bit players are being asked to use the 32bit version, which should work 100% in Win64bit.

      • Beltan

        Gotta admit, I didn’t think it’d work, but now it’s operating fine.

        Damn, Frosty was on fire at the beginning of Game1 rock2ober2013. Anfaug switched to sniper in the first few minutes. heh

  • OneManClan

    A good session with some moments of GREATNESS, sewer1p was frustrating due to a lack of teamwork/communication, but some intense battles towards the end as toughmode made it possible to stop escaping reds. Ditch2 was exhilarating – 52 minutes of non stop action, I tried my best as red w teles, but credit to Blue, they were just too good. At one point I had a tele AND protecting (turretted!) SG up, and thought “ok blue are finished now” but NO – someone – cant remember who it was – was totally ruthless and relentless in ridding Blues base of all teles!! – will check the demos(sewer and ditch2)!!

    • sapphired

      Ty for uploading, just watched demo on Ditch2 was epic but after 1/2 of match Dec, Doc (Md) and Col gone full retarded mode – Doc was camping spawns, Dec raged by him sniping/setting traps, Col….what did Col do.. he was like camping emptyness and chasing everything moving. So it was like 4v3…

      Stan and Ezh nice demo work secured Fr area and full defs, Ein rr def, me medic support, Doc 1/2 match was playing all around – after gone full retarded mode.

      Dec sniping all the time, so silly – his team struggling, he camping outside (!) looking for Doc to come. Wolf was playing the best tricky spying, OMC build many teles, Beltan playing support, Haze is Haze, Col bot mode just fragging everything moving, KOP did not remember..some support.

      So almost 3 players 1/2 match were playing their own games….lets talk about seriousness.

      But demo is worth watching. some fun delivered)

  • Beltan

    Session Review Notes:

    I like the new map and feel it’s perfect for small teams games.

    Sewer Blues: Even with toughmode, the invaders pounded Blue hard. I felt like blue couldn’t decide where to defend, and while they were thinking about it, Red simply kick their ass. I rolled with a rocket launcher and spam nades, but don’t feel like I did too hot…but I helped keep blue busy.

    When the flag WAS grabbed, I was glad to see that the Blues focused on stopping it rather than just letting it go, and they fought tooth and nail to get it to return. In the end, the mistake most defenders made was to change positions too frequently.

    That’s a huge Ditch: Strong defense by blues at key locations (entryway/water hole, lava hallway). Haze and I decided to kill the living shit out of one another [unintentional but funny for the sheer quantity of TKs]. Lava path became a chore and basically not worth the effort to get past.

    I believe Decimus was sitting outside with a rifle the entire game- I didn’t get the feeling that was accomplishing much. Remember, Deci, when blues attack red’s spawn, it is annoying, but unless they manage to survive it seldom has an effect since the it does the following:
    1- Lowers blue defenders in base by one.
    2- The spawn targeter has to travel a long way to get to the enemy spawn.
    3- Reds respawn instantly.
    4- Respawn Guard gives reds a huge window to hunt down and kill the spawn camper with impunity.
    5- If Reds are using a teleporter, the spawn camper will be holding his/her genitals and waiting for something to happen.

    With Respawn Guard in the game, camping directly at the spawn is almost always ineffective.

    Defenders should spread out and each of them dedicate to covering one particular zone. The defenders have 2 major advantages that they can use to maximize their defense:
    1: TRAPS- The defenders number one greatest boon is the ability to fill every route with any number of surprises. It isn’t one souped-up Tesla that wins the day, it is the sea of pain the foe must cross.

    When every corner could hold a mine, grunt, sentry, or summon, you have to take a little more time to avoid getting shredded by a trap, and each time one wounds you, you are at more and more of a disadvantage to defeat the opposition and make it to your goal (the flag).

    2: RESPAWN- A defender can skimp on armor and speed since they don’t have to travel as far (the action comes to them!) but no matter how the defender builds, it is in their best interest to relentlessly pursue attackers and spam like mad, because the worst case scenario is they die….and are back to the battle in less than 10 seconds with full health.

    When a defender gets killed, those hazard-laden passages the reds must fight through are slowing them down, and if they don’t suddenly break through, they have to fight the defender they’ve already beaten again- this time with the defender coming up from behind them!

    An attacker that manages to grab the flag- unless they are fast and unhindered by additional traps laid in the path of their escape- will STILL have to fight through the defenders they fought previously, in many cases they have to fight defenders several times in the process of getting in, overcoming the traps, getting the flag, and getting out (and back to their capture zone).

    When a red respawns, they have already lost their most important asset- TIME. In any

  • Beltan

    Well I must’ve accidentally hit enter. I’mma stop there for now, though. If you guys want a strategy guide my rates are super affordable, and I mean that in the traditional sense of “It is potentially POSSIBLE (super possible, apparently) to afford my services.

  • Wolfgang

    Interesting to read the various post match reviews to see how others felt the game went.

    A quick summary for me goes:

    Sewer: Just uncoordinated is the best way to describe blue. The infighting didn’t help the cause and I certainly can’t remember many games on sewer that I’ve enjoyed. Over rated map…

    Ditch: Certainly an entertaining game but it wasn’t anywhere near a close match. Blue was always going to win when half of the red team is busy clowning around outside, death-matching and defending their own re-spawns (really?!).

    Usually being a red spy I get free reign of a blue base but with only 1 or 2 red players actually attacking there was no distractions for the defenders!
    Take one half decent blue player who is expecting you and there you have the worlds most effective anti-spy deterrent in CuTF.

    Kurtz and Decimus are perhaps blood brothers. Neither understands the concept of team work or how capture the flag works. Put Doc in the mix and you have the 3 stooges. I’ve watched these 3 clowns engaged in their own private DM game week in week out and find myself wondering if they really are BOTS…
    Kurtz seems to be the most crudely programmed bot however

    • sapphired

      perhaps blood brothers – loled on that

      ut Doc in the mix and you have the 3 stooges — loled on that

      own private DM game week – loled on that

      Kurtz seems to be the most crudely programmed bot however – rofled on that

    • Beltan

      Now that you mention it, it did seem like there were only a few of us attacking in Ditch.
      I maintain that in situations where red attacks blues at their spawn, simply buy respawn guard and stroll past them.

      I had heard somewhere that Doc was banned, but I must have heard wrong, because here he is. Not sure about the others but I hear a lot of complaints so they must be screwing around somewhere.

      Deci is pretty much perpetual sniper.

      Dunno ’bout Kurtz.

  • sapphired

    Saturdays session Attackers go retarded 22-00 but OMC plz fix server couldnot connect.

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