Weekly AGR Session: 13th March 2011

Hey People!

It’s hard to concentrate on writing this pre-match info email this week, because I keep thinking about Japan – which is in a whole lotta trouble right now.. there seems to be a whole lotta instability in the Pacific region lately. The Hurricane in northern Australia had few deaths, the earthquake in New Zealand hundreds, but this… this is something else. The good news is that own Cosmic Gnarler + lady have been confirmed alive and well! I don’t have adeyo or shiro’s contact details, so lets just hope they show up at some point. Man.. I’ve seen the footage and I can’t imagine the death toll not being 1000+. That’s a LOT of people! I won’t go on about it because if you’ve been watching/reading the news it’s probably on your mind too.. anyway, I AM looking forward to escaping a little from all this, and lose myself, for a few hours, in that Atrium of Artistry we refer to as the:

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html

Who: TF fans from around the globe!

Why: Because we’re still here!


1. spit1 (50 minutes*)
Small crunchy, and this week – non-Spamadellic, so let’s see what happens.

2. 2fort5r (60 minutes)
I’m gonna try a 2fort5r D I ain’t used in a long time..

3. japanc (60 minutes*)
This was actually scheduled a month ago, so it’s a pure coincidence(!) The two completely separate paths to the flagroom make this map VERY tricky.

4. church (60 minutes)
An underplayed map, kind of crowded, but intriguing – it’s up to Red to make sure they have a few tanky dudes to keep blue distracted, so the Red spies and thieves can do their devious work.

* times may vary depending on player numbers, vibe, and quality of teamplay.

AGR VENTRILLO SERVER, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels. PASSWORD: agr4ever

OMCs tip: Remember, the Weekly AGR Sessions are held at 22:00 GMT time, so any changes to your local daylight savings means the session start earlier or later for you. Check the link above.

======> USA Daylight savings! <============
Thanks to Doc for letting me know that players in the USA are moving their clocks forward, which means (*if* I’m right) that the Session starts one hour *earlier* for you.

Check em out:

The format is <name> <day month year>

See you Sunday!

ps Newbies: Weekly AGR Session FAQ: http://www.customtf.com

2 comments to Weekly AGR Session: 13th March 2011

  • onemanclan

    Well finally I can make a followup comment and link it directly to the original post! Spit was an excellent game!! Non stop action, I went red, and you could see that when we coordinated our attacks we caused major damage, attacking solo (which I did myself so Im not pointing fingers) wastes time, Blue’s respawn delay is only 8 seconds, so there’s often literally no point proceeding, unless you have enough health left, or there’s a Red buddy around.

    2fort5 was abysmal. I tried grid D, but didnt get enough support. Blue had no-one staying in the RR, and noone staying in the upper spiral, so Red had an easy time getting to the FR undamaged. If a few Reds had switched to Blue it wouldn’t have been such a slaughter match, but they didn’t. At one point 2 Reds were sniping, and some people were afk, so it was a bit of a writeoff. A pity because the map is legendary. I had to leave early so I missed games 3 and 4 – hopefully they were good. Thankfully game1(spit) was so good that I can just pretend game2 (2fort5r) didnt happen 🙂

  • Beltan

    First off, condolences and good luck to all those in Japan, what a nightmare.

    I try to make the session each week, I got busy last time and didn’t make it, though. I know I shouldn’t complain but I am so tired of working a full-time job. The session on the week before I had mentioned it in-game and I’m sure by now anyone who loves sniping hates me but when wearing kevlar and I get hit in the legs by sniper bullet, shouldn’t the kevlar prevent me from getting crippled?

    Now that I can survive a couple charged up shots (provided the sniper doesn’t have damage aura or is under effect of chaplain) I realize that I had 300 kevlar and in one shot got practically immobilized. That’s near as bad as being killed instantly. In fact, if enemies just ignored me it would be worse than instant death.

    For warlock summons, if the demons (not shammy of course) launched their projectiles slightly ahead of their target (and fiend’s leap targetted in this manner) they’d be far more difficult to contend with, which I think would be a good thing – also, the Warlock’s summoning ability should not increase in cost for the # of summons he has (imho).

    Hope to be there this Sunday. See you guys.

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