Weekly AGR Session: 16th June 2013

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: You

Why: We don’t really need a ‘why’ here, do we?

MAP SCHEDULE = walmart, caverns, ditch2/dune1

We use a voice chat ventrillo for voice chat during AGR games. Download it, install it, and connect to, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels. Password is sent to those on the AGR Mailing List, but if you ask nicely during the game, someone might help you out.

Thanks to Sapphired, this Session (and previous ones) will be available for download here.

7 comments to Weekly AGR Session: 16th June 2013

  • sapphired

    OMC, don’t forget to reduce custom money to $9000, make some items price reconsideration or otherwise will get crapper game play when players can uber optimize custom $11.000 money, for example Haze can buy cheap airfist and use to throw away enemy pipes/grens, to prime own grens and pipes to any distance, jump anywhere and use airfist for 1000 speed BH-oping + 150 armour, MIRV and Grenade launcher. And ‘force’ individulase like Haze (for ex) to play paying attention to teammates and team play.

    Where is absolutely no TF (team play) approach in such situation when a player can be like super rambo-commando, where is no specialization and no need in team work indeed. That is a lack and bug with 11.000, some people reported me like old Custom TF servers got $8000-9000 custom money, so plz bring game to another level and make it more interesting as team game, not individual nobrain death match.


    If you are a solder with Rockets and grenades u are a solder. Wanna auras/medic or airfist or whatever, plz be a light armored/weaponed guy. It that case players will really team play and more real tf action appreciated.

    $11.000 is a bug u put on during all this years. It’s is really makes game a little nosense considering some players use this bug, for example Haze or KOP cheap grappler. With less money you can get another level gameplay, we need to try it at least 2 good session.

    But i’m pretty sure nothing will be changes as u are the only person who admin AGR mod and don’t care my (our) suggestion (map voting, ban stupid trolls, new maps,t-mode changes) plus most players really don’t care enought or just retarded (non serious approach to matches, play for fun mode or just stupid monkey trolls who join every week to show their damaged personality).

    Yes, yellow faces and cameras are cool and it take lot of energy to make it happen but reducing money is very difficult changing a value to 8000 or 9000.

    Reducing custom money make sense and it is easy to implement. So why am I wringin this in a such tone cause pretty sure this change will be skipped as was skipped other suggestions:
    1. Pre session players based voting
    2. Removing T-mode limitation like cannot touch a flag
    3. Banning/restricting no names or just stupid trolls
    4. New maps ignored

    5. So here is another NEW ignored feature ‘reducing custom money and items price consideration and optimization’

    I know many guyz are agree with this feature, but….its all to OMC.

    Many people compains like ‘i dont like Custom TF’, ‘will be nice play classic TF’, so i think its because 11.000 custom money, so custom classes are cool but it should be TF with specialized classes not nonsense $11k. The spirit of TF almost lost in such situation and someone no clue why. I’ll tell someone why, cause $11.000 is not good and item prices accorgin to modern gameplay is not optimized and fault.

    So i give u 2 sessions to reduce custom money and item prices with active community players who cares. At leas we need to play 2 fully session like 5v5 with reduces custom money.

    Time is ticking.

  • haze

    If it makes sapphic happy, I’d give it a try.

  • sapphired

    Don’t put written under and below personaly, just angry how session system works (not perfect as for my mind)

    1. invade (omg, lol)
    2. dune1
    3. 2farms (req by OMC)

    worst maps choice ever
    what is the sense to play 2farms, the design of map is simple and ‘stupid’, but i tell u, its due to sheeps that related to Australia…

    Players u rly want to play inv and farms? LoL. Why i should play that complete nonsense and unplayable maps – pure ffa action.

    Why not 2fort5, cloudy, rock2, frozen etc?


  • Wolfgang

    Players like Haze can seemingly make the airfist look unfair. Truth is not many players who still play QTF can be as utterly effective as him with an airfist/mirv combo. I can emulate this approach to attacking with some success and have done before I remember Haze being an AGR regular but I suppose he has refined it somewhat.
    Sapphired, I would be interested in trying out your suggestion but to be honest I think the problem of unbalance is more to do with the actual mod. Some of my own suggestions are to completely do away with special armours (except kevlar but make it less powerful). Give engineers an anti-grav gun……only above HWGuy the trusty Engineer class is truly the whipping boy of AGR. It’s a pretty demoralising class to play, especially when Haze has free rein of the map to destroy your builds in one run. He’ll be back before you can put another up…..meanwhile your team mates are chasing their own tails

    So many problems with CuTF, it’s imposing just to think about fixing all it’s problems. The AGR version (OMCTF) is even more of an imposing problem!

    • sapphired

      >especially when Haze has free rein of the map >to destroy your builds in one run. He’ll be >back before you can put another up

      it sounds like, ‘ok we got a hack/bug with overpowered cheap multifunctional airfist and we need to avoid it by changing something else’

      Airfist got many advantages in attack and less in defense – thats why Haze play 90% matches for red, 100% alone attacking (enjoying himself using AGR bug with airfist) so u need to be very lucky and use tricky classes and tactics to overcome ‘airfist Haze’s bug’.

      1st it gives maximum speed for BH of couse u need BH-oping right like Haze does it as experiensed quake player, speed speed – can reach base in few second, avoid damage etc.
      2nd jumps to anywhere anyhow, considering old school map design
      3th trowing own grenades or free (up to 50) pipes of any distance no matter straign line or reflected from walls
      4th throwing away enemy pipes – what is a sense of demoman then????? or EMPing long distance or reflected on walls…throwing away nemy grenades (gren1 gren2)


      That’s a bug of Custom TF AGR (OMC TF). A real bug that gives a player lot of advantages thats all about. And OMC defending like “AGR reputation” “bashing, trolling etc” I’m talking about game play things. Its NOT to Haze side that he uses this hack, HE IS NOT GUILTY – he just find out a way to play most effectively, that’s normal, Haze do his best, best skill etc no doubdt, but airfist….Its all about OPTIMIZATION, BALANCE.

      If you have such a powerfull tool like airfist so plz restrict over abilities like custom money (rise up airfist money) or restriction for airfist (no BH) whatever.

      Its not only about airfist its about other items. But WHO CARES???

  • haze

    its amazing how sapph hassles every new player and discourages them from playing.

    • sapphired

      I’ve already explained my position, what u can say to below, not ‘sapp bla bla bla’ – i’m talking about game stuff not personal stuff. Got it?

      1. Airfist is cheap but multifunctional weapon for attack = overpowered = not balanced
      2. Custom money and item prices not optimized for good game TF perfomance
      3. Solders are overpowered “Why i should fight with bots rather players” (c) Juan – wacth prev session demo log
      4. Pre scheduled map not working. Players cannot pick maps they want to play before session. Example – invade, 2farms prev session.
      5. T-mode is buggy (cannot touch flag twice)
      6. Map voting is buggy and 1/2 working, for ex not possible to vote due warm up only due actual game and players dont care to vote while been already playing.

      And the main – players cannot affect on any AGR changes, only OMC decides and as for me making cosmetic changes that not affect much on gameplay.

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