Weekly AGR Session: 3rd March 2013

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: You

Why: We don’t really need a ‘why’ here, do we?

MAP SCHEDULE = see the vid!

We use a voice chat ventrillo for voice chat during AGR games. Download it, install it, and connect to, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels. Password is sent to those on the AGR Mailing List, but if you ask nicely during the game, someone might help you out.

Thanks to Sapphired, this Session (and previous ones) will be available for download here.

8 comments to Weekly AGR Session: 3rd March 2013

  • sapphired

    1. 2phan7
    2. sewer1p

    This kind of front defense described in AGR video might work for very fist time till pipe and wall still not been detted. Any enemy can leak easily inside the base and do lot of pressure like building tele, detting pipe/wall, flag capping.

    Also air-fist powered hazy BH-opers can slip into base on 1000 speed or simply grapple/airfist through upper route. Also such type of defense consider team mates great coordination skills, but it’s only possible with serious clan war style approach – not AGR public for fun playing. Defense can be full of Cols or snipers or other players who just having fun or griefing around searching for hate and lulz. Some players can go observing, jerk off a bit, eat, go full afk or full retards without any announcement. Forget about serious play on AGR session, its all random based.

    OMC forget about strategy planing untill we still have for-fun-games without skill based shuffling players, zero communication via team chat or voice, random class selection and bunch of retards who prefer sniping, DM-ing and have no clue what is going around and where the flags is.

    Don’t think its is good idea to leave most of map areas open for enemy (RR,FR) better effectively spread all map critical points and some guyz in front can do initial damage or destroy enemy teles.

    So critical point are:
    -RR respawn area
    -Wall side
    -FR area
    It is super essential to have tele from spawns to FR or chain tele system to maintain engies builds and for quick approaching ‘hot spots’

    So the main idea is use brains and spread on maps effectively based on situation.

    Wondering if all team will def in front. It is super ezy some sneaky cheap thief to pass front battle madness, build tele in wasted water and gg. It will take 5 flag caps to find tele.

    • OneManClan

      Sapp: you’re right re: lazy players, hopefully getting their arses kicked will inspire them to pay attention to the possibilities when people work together.

      << So critical point are: -RR respawn area -Wall side -FR area >>

      Well obviously with more people (8 vs 8 ) Blue can afford to have a full time (eg) det tunnel D, or someone in the RR. Unfortunately they can all be bypassed, which is why Outside D is the only place (apart from the FR) where Red HAVE to face a Blue.

      Grapplers ARE a problem, which is why grapple was disabled on CustomTF servers, I think ToughMode might be on, which means Grapplers can’t carry a flag.
      Re teles .. you’re right these are a MAJOR concern; but they are a prob w all big maps w multiple access routes to the flag anyway, and not a flaw in any particular D. Unlike FR D, at least with Outside D, you get a chance to stop them on the way out.

      • sapphired

        yeah, you right, it all this stuff and variety of tactics will work in case of large amount of players on server like 8v8.

        if we will have like 4v4 – forget about any types of D 🙂

        I support t-mode only with such restriction features for flag carriers:
        -no sprint skill
        -no BH
        -no air fist
        -no grapple

        As long as Blue (Def) playing for fun without any team chat commands, map, radar, coordination, voice comm etc – it will be super easy for Red individuals use cheap tactics like skill/brainless thief grapplers, spies or 300 armor-no weapon dudes. I’m not against it, its legit but people who use such cheap tactics should not feel very good about themself for their game play, it works due the fact that Blue sucks (no comm, fun play) rather red individual are good.

        • OneManClan

          << I support t-mode only with such restriction features for flag carriers: -no sprint skill -no BH -no air fist -no grapple >>

          These are already part of Tough-Mode, except (IIRC) for sprint, which I’ll add to the AGR todo list.

          • sapphired

            But consider slow legs and touching the flag once in a row is not an good option for t-mode

  • Wolfgang

    On any large map, you need a tiered defense. If you simply plant most or all defenders in one place you will be punished.
    Case in point Sewer, players will bypass the outside D without much of a problem. This is easily proved by watching any recent demo of the same map where you had players like Haze, myself etc airfisting upto the top ledge outside.
    OMC, this plan will not work unless you have a very good sniper sitting somewhere up there.

    Still, what is preferable is to have a tiered defense where players are spread out and have a zone they patrol. Sapphired is right in saying that too often AGR is often too casual and players do not assign positions or communicate.

    Team captains perhaps?

    • OneManClan

      <<..players will bypass the outside D without much of a problem. This is easily proved by watching any recent demo of the same map where you had players like Haze, myself etc airfisting upto the top ledge outside.>>

      Maybe a fifth Blue can D upstairs, with (eg) SGs that can also help the guys downstairs..

      I’m happy to go team captain if everyone agrees, and we get enough people for tomorrows game. The main thing is that
      1. Engineers get some protection so they can build (outside D AT LEAST should stall Red so that the Blue FR Eng can build up in peace)
      2. People don’t panic and abandon their positions as soon as Red gets the flag/or caps.

      People interested in trying Outside D please use ventrillo

  • sapphired

    Sorry guyz, gone asleep just before the session, pussy me 🙁

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