Weekly AGR Session: 6th Jan 2013

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: You

Why: We don’t really need a ‘why’ here, do we?

MAP SCHEDULE = see the vid!

We use a voice chat ventrillo for voice chat during AGR games. Download it, install it, and connect to, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels. Password is sent to those on the AGR Mailing List, but if you ask nicely during the game, someone might help you out.

Thanks to Sapphired, this Session (and previous ones) will be available for download here.

22 comments to Weekly AGR Session: 6th Jan 2013

  • Beltan

    Happy new year, guys.

    bedlam…I don’t recall the map. I like how you showed a screenshot of the other maps, that’s a good idea!
    caverns…Blue: everyone buy a sentrygun, grunts, or mines.
    z7…Red: everyone buy tossable detpacks, mirvs, or daedalus rifles.
    van…everybody grapple and/or jet packs.

    Maybe if I find some time I’ll watch the vid from last week and point out about what time I see the cheats. If you guys watched and don’t see it already though, I’m probably wasting my time 🙁

    • Sapphired

      It’s a good strategy if every player will buy 1-2 solders or one blank sentry, and the other guy can buy auras and the other hacking engi skill = team got 4-5 superpowered solders or 4-5 hacked senries = gg)

      But u know, its not possible, cause we got not 100% organized team full of …. you know whom am talking about 🙂 not serious players

  • Beltan

    If you guys like the old shoot’em up games, there’s a game called Crimsonland that’s fun, and they are trying to get it greenlighted on STEAM.

  • Cu

    Happy New Year OMC! So, Im still having the troubles trying to log into the agr fóruns,its says my email is already in use, but I cant remember the username I registred with, wich makes it impossible for me to recover/update my account.

  • Wolfgang

    Trial of Einherjar? Haha interesting video OMC, you should make some more videos of maps/matches that were of interest.

    How can you use that client OMC? It’s such a confusing mess just to watch that video with, this is why I still don’t want to use FTE. EZQuake is still the fastest and smoothest Quake client I’ve played on.

    By the way, you were looking at the wrong part of the match where Beltan accused Einherjar of cheating. Einherjar switched to a soldier class and this is when Beltan did the usual “AA!” accusations. I got air juggled a few times but I just accept some players are better (and have lower ping).

    • Beltan

      As far as that client, OMC’s video was like an advertisement NOT to use it.

      Yeah I did ‘the usual “AA!” accusations’ although I wish it would be taken care of.

      You guys give me a lot of hell saying and implying that I’m a poor sport, but let me tell you something: I’ve been beat before 266 to -8 and never got mad at all. It isn’t losing that angers me, it’s that someone has ruined the game for everyone else as well as themselves (because if you cheat, you’re cheating yourself of good gameplay as well).

      I like a good fight, and that’s why you hardly even see me sniping. I don’t want to kill people in one hit, I want to fight on even ground and see if I can outsmart or outplay them. That’s the challenge! That’s the competition! That’s the FUN part and the entire point!

    • Beltan

      Oh and even though you didn’t watch the whole demo I did like the way you set it up with the explanation screens at the beginning and end. The commentary wasn’t horrible, but if you do more videos be sure to have more strategy breakdown and comments about the players’ styles and plays ^ ^

  • Beltan

    Other than the shitty quality the demo plays at on your computer (I feel bad for you OMC) I didn’t see him do anything in that video. I specced him a little later in that map though, Ein starts using the rocket launcher and things get funky.

    I’ll check the video at some point and report the times of the funky shiiiiiI mean shtuff.

  • Doc

    i’m being completely honest here, and not trying to be a jerk at all.. even though it will come off that way. it’s really sad that you guys accuse ein of cheating. i’ve known ein for quite a long time. longer than most of you have been playing agr. ein has many many years in tf, and it shows by his skill. every time we play, he destroys me, but i know he’s a better player than i am, and i accept that. some people are better at games than others, have lower pings, etc, but that’s no reason to accuse them of cheating. i’ve watched countless demos, and there’s NOTHING in them that suggests that he cheats. and you guys are already aware of that.

  • Sapphired

    2 OMC:

    1. yeah OMC, use more pictures in video, thats right
    2. serious think about troll(s) in game, may be time to play one single session without annoying retards talks…rly. may be by banning some person we can make our games better, i’m seriously

  • Sapphired

    Important thing in game is to be flexible on def or on offence and change positions, class and tactic depending on game situation.

    But 50% players dont care, they play lazy-fun-chat-toll-retard-half-afk mode.

  • Cu

    So. Plz add me on Steam guys, Im TheWalkingPenis over there.

  • Beltan

    Did anyone else have trouble opening the dkeep1 mvd demo?

  • Sapphired

    Session score: 8/10
    1. bedlam12: n/a

    2. caverns: 7/10, not balanced team, blue domination at the and wolf switched to red +2-3 score

    3.z7: 8/10, tie at 8-8, nice game, interesting blue def with SUPER-DUPER-TESLA, one frerunnr with shaft, one demo, one sniper.

    4. vans: 7/10, fun match, rofled a lot, after 10-20 minutes, game became Decimus-Doc hunting/cunting mode, ezy win for BLUE

    • Beltan

      Session Score: 1/10, level “I regret having joined up”

      • Beltan

        OMC asked me to post the demos I took in the forums so that you guys can take a look at them, so I guess I’ll do that.

        As I told OMC, when you watch the videos, remember it isn’t whether he hits or not, it’s the fact that Ein LOCKS ON to the target’s trajectory. When he misses, it’s because the target changed direction or stopped their momentum at the last moment.

        Also keep an eye out for the 180 spins where he’s aimed perfectly at the victim.

        • Beltan

          I’ll post them when I get back home either tonight or tomorrow morning. I really can’t believe you guys don’t see this, but I’ll go ahead and post them.

          Something else I noticed- it seems Ein hits with every regular shotgun shot and locks onto trajectories with the rocket launcher but I think I saw him miss several times when he switches to the double-barrel.

          As I told OMC, I don’t know what Ein is using, but I’ve seen cheat programs before and some of them offer a bunch of options (you can even set how often it misses 0% to 100%, it’s ridiculous) anyway, ttyl.

    • Wolfgang

      I switched sides in perhaps 2 or 3 games, would like to see other players/gurus do the same when it becomes stale or boring. Why play if it becomes to easy or the other team isn’t offering any challenge.

      I enjoyed the session as the blue team were pretty solid throughout the session. Even during Bedlam I was able to keep my builds up thanks to some determined blue work outside the FR.
      Caverns started well and a bitter struggle should have happened but a few reds gave up the fight too soon. I switched near the end but it was too little too late.
      Blue on Z7 were pretty tough. Give credit to the blue engineer (he basically saved blue the game) and some good piping by the blue demoman. Nice to be trying my hardest as a red spy and being frustrated by a solid defense

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