Weekly AGR Session: 23rd Dec 2012

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: You

Why: We don’t really need a ‘why’ here, do we?

MAP SCHEDULE = see the vid!

We use a voice chat ventrillo for voice chat during AGR games. Download it, install it, and connect to, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels. Password is sent to those on the AGR Mailing List, but if you ask nicely during the game, someone might help you out.

Thanks to Sapphired, this Session (and previous ones) will be available for download here.

15 comments to Weekly AGR Session: 23rd Dec 2012

  • Beltan

    I must warn you, OMC, I am a master debater.

    ^^ heh heh heh

  • Beltan

    *AND the timing on the videos is fine by me, don’t pigeonhole yourself into a certain timeframe; if it goes longer, fine, if not that’s okay, too. You can set the music to go off if you don’t want to go over a certain timelimit, though (like 10 minutes or something).

  • Wolfgang

    The respawn protection/chap aura stopping bunnyhopping isn’t a major issue to me. I’d rather you fix the many bugs, team balancing issues and do away with mirror damage.

    One suggestion I have for the infuriating respawn delay? Simply remove it for blue if red is winning. If not it automatically comes back on. Is this a bad idea?

    • Beltan

      I maintain that having a respawn delay for blue is an advantage for red and that if we want to give blue an advantage we should just remove the delay.

      We already have ‘TOUGH MODE’ if blue needs a big boost to hammer out a defense.

    • OneManClan

      If it’s a slaughter match and it’s fair, then the losing team deserve their pain.

      If it’s a slaughter match and it’s NOT fair (eg unbalaced teams, ppl AFK), then the match is auto-restarted, though this doesn’t happen after 10-12 minutes.

      If 1/2 way through the game people should really switch.

      I suppose ‘Tough mode’ could kick in 1/2 way through games, though personally I’d rather just restart (Blue 0 Red 0) , and play w a decent team

  • OneManClan

    The dune1 demo is up some great moments there where Blue went outside and red were stalled, creating a close game – a real challenge in dune1! If anyone thinks the oppose1 game is worth uploading, let me know!

    • sapphired

      yep, ilpoad oppose if possible
      and think other about aitoshuffle teams or pre-selected team, cause we ruin 50% of games with gurus vs retards matches

      • OneManClan

        Oppose is up (sorry for the delay). Auto-reshuffle would need to be programmed, and I’d rather just trust that players would just reconnect to help out a losing team, I think most of the top players do that anyway

  • Beltan

    TBH I joined up a bit late and there was not a serious game going so I just left after a few minutes.

    I am for balance of the numbers of team members and ABSOLUTELY for kicking into spec mode (or off the server) those who don’t do anything for more than a couple of minutes can rejoin if they had to take a break mid-game, and that will allow autobalancing to kick in quicker.

    As for the balance in the tactful “gurus vs retards” matches, as Sapph so eloquently put it, I think nothing should be done. That’s how you get better is: play better and don’t be a retard. If you don’t learn, you suck forever. That’s how it should be. I despise “scrambling” based on “skill”.

    • sapphired

      For example Col. Kurz is retard in game, its prooven not only by me, he chases Doc all game and do bot work with pyro class or tranq.

      Decimus is playing for fun sniping or fighting with Doc

      OMC never know where flag is and just asking to secure his builds or asking where a u when me on red base defending the flag on last 10 seconds.

      So they are retadrs in game, ask OMC how to play on red with team full of retards.

      Also its stupid we have 4 stupid specs from MEGA tf – they jut fill slots – its not ok, they even never play, OMC do not allow tourist guyz to spec – they not AGR friendly and fill slot for exhausted players.

      Also DOC is not playing serious, so we back to Mega TF shit madness – AGR_FRAG_SUNDAYS

  • Sapphired

    Break the rules
    Join tastyspleen.net:26666 and play today for fun and joy, Saturday 21:00 GMT

  • Wolfgang

    One of the reasons going spy is really the only sensible option when you have players who just aren’t up to the challenge. Imagine having Decimus, Kurtz and Doc on your team as a red. Sometimes the teams are right, most the time they aren’t. The crippling tough map mode is often used for games where blue simply isn’t good enough to D. Makes me laugh when people say gg afterwards when really it would of been a whitewash without tough map mode ON.


  • Sapphired

    No one joined(
    Joined Saturday on mega tf shit at find K3vin with Unnamed (Doc?) playing 1v1 on RL’s – lol is it Mega TF? Looks like full retarded action 1v1.

    Plz OMC do not allow K3vin fill spec, this guy never plays AGR just stupid spec slot filling. OMC, we dont need spectators who fil spot for active players.

    2 all, voteyes to kick/ban K3vin from AGR, full retarded for sure. Still offensed and butthurt from Custom TF vs AGR hidden wars.

    • Sapphired

      so if say in more polite way and without persons – its about make some restrictions to spec for players who do not play but fill slot not allowing active players spec, exepctions if Often as VIP spec)

      • OneManClan

        If we were getting 28+ players, yes I (of course) would remove spectators slots; but as it stands specs don’t affect player slots. Re: K3vin, yea, it would be nice if he played, but I’d rather him spec, than be ‘forced’ to connect as a player, and then not not play properly. In any case, he stays mostly quiet during games (eg he doesn’t distract players w chit chat etc), so I have no problem w K3vin (though yes, it would be better if he played). Finally, K3vin isn’t registered, so he can’t grief vote.

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