Weekly AGR Session 02 Dec 2012

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: You

Why: We don’t really need a ‘why’ here, do we?

MAP SCHEDULE = see the vid!

We use a voice chat ventrillo for voice chat during AGR games. Download it, install it, and connect to, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels. Password is sent to those on the AGR Mailing List, but if you ask nicely during the game, someone might help you out.

Thanks to Sapphired, this Session (and previous ones) will be available for download here.

9 comments to Weekly AGR Session 02 Dec 2012

  • sapphired

    “EPIC” – AGR custom teamfortress promo by Sappired. Based on Rock2October 2012 TF-ers festival We playing 15 years.


  • sapphired

    OMC, what kind of dope you smoke before recording agr rap 🙂

  • OneManClan

    Dammit i accidentally uploaded a non-censored version, stand by, uploading the censored one (it’s 3:57, need sleep, session starts in 5 hours!)

  • Cu

    hey OmC its me, Cu! 😀 I forgot teh password to the fóruns, can you resend it to me???

  • Beltan

    I aint new to this.

  • Beltan

    It isn’t right to punish players for using a particular strategy. When there is a balance issue then steps should be taken to even up the playing field.

    Poison: I’ve always been a fan of the medaxe. There are players who dislike the sickness effect that has been added to it now. Being stunned for 2 or 3 seconds is pure death. Psionic grenades are similarly overpowered (you can’t do ANYTHING) I recommend much shorter stun times (no more than 1.5 seconds) for these effects so that they don’t instantly get you killed.

    Grunts: Grunts are free minions. It should take more time before a soldier is ready to spawn. Grunts should get a level up every time they get a frag because as it stands it takes almost an entire game of surviving before they max out, so you only get about 7 minutes of badassery if they survive THE ENTIRE GAME.

    Airfist: From what I’ve seen, the primary reason for the airfist is to abuse tossable grenades in order to spam defenses to death from ultra-long range.

    Spam Spies: When a spy tosses a grenade, his disguise should immediately be removed. Scanner jammer should be combined with Spy Kit, with the spy kit remaining at regular price.

    Noncombatants: The Noncombatant never engages the enemy players. instead, they spend all their time going for the flag with as much speed and armor (and occasionally some tossables for builds that are in the way) as they can up to the maximum that they can bunnyhop with. When opponents engage them the only options are RUN AWAY or RUN PAST. Bunny hopping should be removed from the game entirely so that players must actually BUY legspeed in order to be fast, SACRIFICING something rather than exploiting an allowed glitch.

    Legspeed: should be conversely proportional to armor. More armor = slower legspeed. If the menus are combined this will speed up recustomization as well.

    Specialty Armor types: Specialty armors should each be good at deflecting 2 damage types and should have a weakness to another damage type, and you should only be able to buy 1 specialty armor at a time. Effects can be combined to make customization faster and to resist specific effects. A couple examples: Biogel armor= protection against nails and fire, weakness to electricity. Resists afterburn, gas, poison. Cyborg Suit= protection against blast and electricity, weakness to nails. resists concussion, cyb aug, HWGuy Aspect.
    Oh and EVERYBODY should automatically get FULL ARMOR.

    Teslas: Build too slow and cost too much metal to ugprade. Upgrades from frags should give a point for every frag rather than having a chance to give a point.

    Spawncamping: Buy spawn guard and either bypass the threat or deal with whoever is kicking your butt. Build a sentry or lay a grunt at spawn if it’s that much of an issue for you. Gas? Buy scuba.

    Sniper Rifle: Cost and damage should be reduced. When you shoot a victim in the head with a fully-charged shot, they are stunned for 1 second and given a concussion. For the next few seconds, their legspeed is reduced by 1/3rd (they move at 66% speed for a few seconds). When you shoot a victim in the legs with a fully-charged shot, their legspeed is reduced by half (50%) for 25 seconds and there is a cooldown of 4 seconds after jumping before the victim can jump again.

    These are just a few ideas I have.

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