Weekly AGR Session: 14th October 2012

Hey people!!

Well, work on AGRv4 has come to a standstill due to technical problems (see below), but the situation is being worked on as we speak.  Preparations for Rock2ober 2012 have begun (!!!), and I’m going to have a LOT to say about this important event, but THE MOST IMPORTANT THING BY FAR, is that you open your diaries to Saturday 27th of October 23:00 GMT, and write down ‘rock2ober’, ok? Do what you have to do, split up with your girlfriend for 24 hours, whatever, because not only will this be the game of the year – it will (for reasons I wont go into yet) go down in TF history!  Ok, back to the present, we have now before us, a selection of four maps which will challenge, frustrate, exhilarate, and  demoralise you, depending on your choices – to work as a team, or go Solo, to D in the R, or at the FR, yes, many many choices, good choices, and bad choices, but the one choice that is ALWAYS the correct one, is to show up and participate in that Belvedere of Brutality known the world over as the:

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: Studs.

Why: Because you are not Duds.

1. oppose1  (52 minutes*)
Never done this as first map before, but weve been getting quite a few people showing up early, so.. lets see what happens

2. well6 (52 minutes*)
Classic – with the REDETTABLE GRATE!!! (nice!)

3. frontlin/church (52 minutes*)
Not sure about frontlin – it’s a little too open for a structured D .. or is it? You tell me.. Or should we do church instead.. YOU decide!

4. dkeep1 (52 minutes*)
This is just a brutal, beautifully violent  mess.


We use a voice chat ventrillo for voice chat during AGR games. Download it, install it, and connect to, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels. Password is sent to those on the AGR Mailing List, but if you ask nicely during the game, someone might help you out.

Thanks to Sapphired, this Session (and previous ones) will be available for download here.

OMC’s tip: Leave October 27th 2012 free – especially around 23:00 GMT.

There will be an official announcement this week. meanwhile … pssst…see the tip above! 🙂 Yes I know this is what people were told last week, but due to technical problems (if anyone knows how to move a non-networked, stand alone tortoise svn repository from one computer(winxp)  to another (windows7), please contact me) progress has been stalled on a potential promo vid,  more info during the week!

Ok, there’s some problem with this map, which needs fixing, I’ll have a chat with  a Guru during the week, and report back

REMINDER: the next few weeks, there will be Daylight savings changes – please use this link, and remember, The Weekly AGR Session is held 22:00 GMT. 

Originally, Weekly AGR Sessions had a small Game 1, peaked at Game3, and often continued to Game4 and beyond. Lately we’ve been getting quite a few people at Game1, numbers peak at Game2 and by Game 4 it’s been really small. Not sure if this is just seasonal, but I’d be interested in what you guys think – should only three games be scheduled, and leave Game 4 to be voted/decided by whoever is there?

see you Soon!!


12 comments to Weekly AGR Session: 14th October 2012

  • sapphired

    -“should only three games be scheduled, and leave Game 4 to be voted/decided by whoever is there?”

    frontlin/church – OMC plz replace this shitty maps to something reliable

  • Frontline is not a good AGR map in my opinion. I’d rather do Church any day.

  • sapphired

    GG session, 9/10 overall score, all maps played well and gg. sabotage score 4/10, Doc were annoying on ventrillo using 3-5 bots and using different animals/girls voices troll us for 5-10 minutes live while playing, were muted later, but he join other account and start retadish show again. 1-2 players pretending newbies, stupid questions again, trolling OMC about Rock2October, some crappy mega TF guyz saying something bad about Rock2October, Cloud bots and stuff. 2-5 people always sabotaging by not serious approach to session.

    1. oposse12 (8/10): brilliant played by reds, sharp attacks by Ezh and support mates bring some flags + epic OMC’s tele on top made da 2-4 flags, blues were defending 1st half using CHAP + engies and demos, second half using RR EIN. Anyway red won by 4-5 cps
    2. Well6 (9/10). Epic well6 played with tons of lulz, hardcore perfomance by both, tricky tactical moves, headshot snipers, air fisters etc. Draw

    3. bam4 (9/10) Epic bam4 played, blue was better, massive RR def, with camping everything from funny retarded clown – Doc piping spawn not receiveing attention thanks to spawn protection to his teammate infecting spawned blue players. What an assholes.

    4. Ditch2 (6/10). Red team were weak and consist of Docs bots and other not regular guys witout serious attitue, but anyway WP,gg

    Perfect session

  • Wolfgang

    Registration system kinda ruined one of the games for me but overall it was a pretty good session. Usual stuff really, players not picking up on spies, unbalanced teams, same olde maps and of course some players really not having a clue how to play TF.
    See you all next week of course 😎

    • Beltan

      Spies that tank up, hop, and spam are the #1 most dangerous reds in the game. Blues really should try to communicate which key points they are defending. As a blue, if your teammate is camping an area and shooting everyone that’s coming through, I think a good habit to get into is quickly saying something over chat to let your teammate know. “it’s me”, “me”, or “omw” before trying to get by your teammate. Likewise, guys, try to avoid spychecking with ROCKETS, etc. Getting tked sucks.

      If blue wins but the teams are 8v4 in their favor, that doesn’t feel like a GG to me. Let’s try to keep it balanced, folks. If blue gets romped and stomped, so be it, we’ll move on.

      Wolfgang, you aren’t the only one that complains about the ‘same old maps’, but I just want to throw out that OMC has never had a problem running different maps. I complain every time I have to download, but that shouldn’t stop us from having new maps sometimes.

      I still miss Hedge7, but I don’t want to play it if the pentagram isn’t removed because that’s some bullshit trying to defend against pentagram.

  • Beltan

    I always verbalize when I’m unhappy so I want to communicate to you guys how much more fun this week’s session was for me (and I’m sure all of you, as well), and to say thanks for making it a good session.

    Oppose: Chap, pipebombs and builds was keeping the enemy off the flag, but a sneaky tele to the area above the FR had the turnaround time of attacks cut so far down that our builders abandoned the FR. Defense recustomized I think and we took a more spread out approach over the base. Though it was a strong defense, leaving the FR unguarded was a mistake, and speedy cappers exploited that mistake to run the flag out unhindered by sentries.

    Well6: Defense seemed pretty strong to about halfway in. I had gas bombs and scuba and guarded the waterway for a little while. When our team closed the waterway I lost interest in water battles and tried to hold the attic with gas nade spam while firing some rockets down at the hoppers swarming in. I didn’t see what changed at the halfway point but somehow enemies were slipping away with the flag.

    Bam4: What a stout match played by both teams! My favorite part was noticing many messages about my Grunty handing out some IN-DEE-SCRIMINATE JUS-TICE! My second favorite part was that red’s assault was so strong that the rocket-launcher-wielding super grunt WAS BROUGHT DOWN in the madhouse! Constant tug-of-war between the two teams made this a lot of fun to play.

    About the BAM4 match: Seems like the level is just long enough that blue has time to recoup after a cap, since there isn’t any water near the basement where reds are able to hide to avoid Deathcaps. If we are going to have deathcaps, it should affect all players, even if they are in liquid, otherwise on maps with closer water sources (like well6 and kingdoms) reds can hide in the water and be closer to the flag than the blues who are just getting respawned. I still don’t understand why we have deathcaps and yet blue is then given a respawn delay- that contradicts the point, doesn’t it? Those effects seem to be geared toward mutually exclusive goals; assist blue or assist red?

    Let me know what you guys think.

  • OneManClan

    Demos are up!

  • sapphired

    Saturday at 20:00 GMT

    AGR Sabotaged session today, free rules. Euro guys session, early US fights. Two maps. u decide. manual shuffle. trolling and sabotaging is allowed !!!

    I’l be there for sure dudes, join

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