Weekly AGR Session: 7th October 2012

Hey people!!

It’s been a hectic week, and things are going to get even more hectic, as preparations begin for a special something happening later this month. As I write this, it’s 7.5 hours until we begin our weekly ritual, at the place of cleansing, the place where Gurus run free, and newbies either work together, or crumble under pressure, the type of irresistible pressure that can only be found at that Atrium of Anarchy better known as the:

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: You.

Why: I’ll tell you this Sunday.

1. qdeth3 (52 minutes*)
RR D – do people need a video explanation?

2. sewer1p (52 minutes*)
Big Map time – though if we get less than 12 players .. 2brave1

3. z7 (52 minutes*)
Always interesting, especially when Blue D at the water room.

4. north1 (52 minutes*)
Let’s see if Blue achieve a perfect score, though it will be tough stopping the first Red


We use a voice chat ventrillo for voice chat during AGR games. Download it, install it, and connect to, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels. Password is sent to those on the AGR Mailing List, but if you ask nicely during the game, someone might help you out.

Thanks to Sapphired, this Session (and previous ones) will be available for download here.

OMC’s tip: Leave October 27th 2012 free – especially around 23:00 GMT.

There will be an official announcement this week. meanwhile … pssst…see the tip above! 🙂

Ok, this week will be coding week, much will be done, and there will be a testing session at some stage. What will be in v4? Well the gameplay will be largely unchanged, but there will be special new stuff, some of which I discussed in:

The AGR Mania interview
The interview with AGRMania was tough, I think the girl who interviewed me had a bit of an agenda [yes, if you’re reading this, I am talking about YOU], in any case you can decide for yourselves if it was an unbiased interview or a hatchet job, when the thing gets published during the week. To be honest I think she fancied me, and when she realised I wasn’t interested, her attitude changed, and the interview went downhill from there.

It’s that time of the year again where people change their local time. This weekend Australians set their clocks back one hour, I’m not sure when Europe and the US change their daylight savings times, please use this link, and remember, The Weekly AGR Session is held 22:00 GMT. 

see you Soon!!


21 comments to Weekly AGR Session: 7th October 2012

  • sapphired

    1st noob, be there, i watxhed some caverns demo and its was awersome fulldef in lava near reds cap=)

    Rock2october 2012 at Doc’s house, barbecue chickens, real life trolling, favorite Docs song.

    BTW i found new AGR retard – Beltan, been reading his messages during caverns. Welcome bro to our club

  • Wolfgang

    Beltan has been a long running retard, usually his medication is under check but I think there was a full moon last week. No game touches this for the amount of strange characters some of you possess, rarely does a game attract so many “special” people…guess that make me one!

    • Beltan

      bEIN dealing with EINsanity-inducing sessEINs since the nEINteen-nEINties. The new missEIN is to EINsist on contrEINdicting the possEINbility of bEINg frEINdly.

    • sapphired

      Yeah been watching caverns demo. Beltan talks all time mentioning EIN and other strange \funny/ things.


  • Beltan

    Don’t you mean EIN’S CLUB? Tune in during EIN TIME this week to fEINd out what weapEINry THE EIN uses to make the whEINers unEINstall quake and surrEINder hope of ever EINjoying custom TF agEIN! It’s goEIN to be an EINsplosion!


  • sapphired

    Session score: 5/10
    Sorry guyz, 1st game was confused by FTE settings and cannot distignish skins and other stuff. Was unuseffull. But overall qdeth3 was pretty well played. Good def by blues, even 2 pipers in spiral, Doc knifer, many hacked FR stuff.

    2nd game sabotaged by afk guyz, after 20 minutes of slow play game forfeited, 70% players quit, we still 2v2 and after 3v3 having fun, even Often played well.

    http://goo.gl/6p1oq new adress for demos. OMC plz make changes

    • OneManClan

      Yea, qdeth was good, sewer1p was (suprisingly) also good. Would have been better if more were on ventrillo.

      • Beltan

        Cheater right away this session, no action taken against them. When a sniper kills 5 people in 7 seconds with the rifle, you shouldn’t have to spectate to confirm they are cheating. Players simply aren’t that good. If by a FREAK CHANCE the player was one of the handful of people skilled (and lucky) enough to accomplish that, I apologize to them. You know you aren’t that good though.

        Sewer1p I got bored no seeing any attackers so I started harassing red at their base and people began to bitch and moan about it, and your complaints are not appreciated.

        I used to bitch and moan about overpowered weapons like sniper rifles and rocket launchers but I toughened the hell up and stopped complaining about it. I would appreciate if you stop whining about what strategy other people take and simply deal with it. Of all the things to bitch about, SPAWNCAMPING.

        Shut the fuck up and pay the…what is it? $25? $50? It’s less than a hundred- the point is buy respawn guard and shut the fuck up. Shut it. Shut! The fuck! Up! Moving on.

        I want to get done with our weekly customTF session feeling pleased for having played- like I used to. I want to say to myself, ‘Man, I wish we had more time to play!’. I’m tired of quitting out early and regretting the decision I made to join the session. Aren’t you?

        Remember when we held a virtual goodbye for one of our comrades who died irl? Remember how good that felt as noone made a mockery of it or dicked it up? There’s no reason for us to act any differently towards each other than we did for a fallen comrade- someone most of us knew little about, but a comrade all the same.

        We may share nothing in common other than the weekly AGR session, but that one shared interest has been the bond between all of us in our community.

    • Beltan

      If you say ‘sabotaged’ one more time…

  • sapphired

    OMC, may be we prepare skype/video pre match interview for Rock2october. Interview with OMC – father of AGR custom TF (respect to Shaka and Custom Tf guy).
    Q1: Introduce uself bla bla, funny things about OMC, richmans journey to Thai and playing in Germany with homies near wi-fi cafe.
    Q2:How u see the future of AGR? Community is very small and tend to fall apart. History of AGR. Nowdays Issues etc.
    Q3: Features, serious matches, gameplay stuf, sabotaging, retards, trollz, t-mode, OMC despoty – all game play stuff. Ideas ideas. Spread the word.
    Q4: Rock2october. OMC’s free speech

  • Beltan

    If you’re going to an informative piece about customTF, talk about where customTF came from and how it developed, and a little bit about how it’s branched into different versions. Expound on the decision to make it “AGR” rather than the traditional CTF style. Talk about challenges you faced in designing versions of AGRCustomTF and the features to try to improve security.

    Explain where AGRCusTF is now and the recent history and challenges we are facing at this time, as well as upcoming plans for version changes or new additions.

    Before ending off with the speech for Rock2ober, be sure to talk about long-term plans, such as whether AGRCusTF will ever be a standalone program and, if not, what games would be the best to port the mod to. (quake 3 mebbe?).

    And then, of course, the celebration (Rock2ober itself)

    • sapphired

      Nice, like when people take care.

      There’re still many sabotagers and retards in AGR (Col. Kurz, KOP_afk, Cloud, Doc sometimes, OMC – sabotaging us by stupid t-mode, unable to vote etc)

      I like to play serious with comptetition attitude. yeah we talk aboyt commersial matches, but its not time for it.

      Prepare for Rock2October, cook somethin, clean and wash yourself, sleep well, take your pills or smoke herbs, join pre match interview with OMC, join server, play 2 brillint amazing games.

      Use ventrillo or team chat, communicate with teammates, dont sit deep hacking teslas, be usefull, read the game, fight as gg solders

  • sapphired

    AGR Sabotaged session today, free rules. Euro guys session, early US fights. Two maps. u decide. manual shuffle. trolling and sabotaging is allowed !!!

    I’l be there for sure dudes, join
    2 hours earlier Sunday’s OMC’s session 20:00 GMT Convert to your timezone assholes!

    + rock2october shameless promotion

  • sapphired

    http://gyazo.com/7eb366f01831fb4830fb4ca026e7b1fc this link – not that Mega TF guy asking about Saturdays sessions to OMC

  • sapphired

    AGR Sabotaged session today, free rules. Euro guys session, early US fights. Two maps. u decide. manual shuffle. trolling and sabotaging is allowed !!!

    I’l be there for sure dudes, join

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