I did actually did do a followup video on last weeks Map Design for AGR, but I thought it might have been too technical, or not of interest to the casual AGR fan, so I didn’t email ppl… but if you’re interested:
Ok, I’ve added a message informing the thrower, and the victim when someone got ‘flashed’, and (as discussed in this weeks video) now it will be possible to make some kind of ‘visual effect’ so that you can tell when OTHER people are ‘blinded’!
What: Weekly AGR Session
When: Saturday AND Sundays 23:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.
Who: AGR Freaks who want their fix.
Why: … you’re seriously asking?!?
MAP SCHEDULE: The caverns rematch, the return of the classic 2fort5
As a graphical indicator of ‘blinded’, either a bunch of little white spots over their head or an oversized pair of blindness-indicating glasses with dark lenses.
The white spots would be a better indicator, in my opinion. Maybe add a short “Ah!” sound to indicate it as well.
yes… or maybe a ‘blank’ face? …or no eyes..?
Could use the teleport white dots.