StepByStep: FTE’s ezquake HUD

win32 plugin:
win64 plugin:
you need to use the same arch as the engine, or you can just install both on account of the arch being part of the filename.
no, I don’t recommend using sdl builds at all in windows (fte+sdl is really just a mac thing).

just place it in the same directory as your engine, and then run the engine.
the plug_list command should list all plugins you have loaded. you can use plug_closeall; plug_load ezhud to reload it / explicitly load it.
all the various hud_* cvars will now exist, and you can exec some hud config to load the hud, but you might need to set plug_sbar to 3 if you have an old fte config and want hud plugins visible in single player.
if it doesn’t get loaded despite being installed properly, make sure your web browser didn’t tell windows to prevent it from being loadable or something annoying.

move the edge box to size
move the middle to move
move to edge of scren (till you get a <, ^, >, or v symbol) to ‘delete’/make invisible

cfg_save_all 1 // to save *everything*
cfg_save name_of_hud
cfg_load name_of_hud

Related but NOT compatible!:

Spkes ‘documentation’:

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