
What's working? What isn't? What could be improved? Let's hear your ideas on how to improve AGR, and try to achieve .. perfection.
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Post by Jonan »

I've seen back and forth with the pros and cons of the reg system.

I think there is some room for compromise on some of it.

(1) Detpacks, you are completely blocked from buying it. Perhaps a way around it would be to have a non-reg detpack, that players get instead. It would have a smaller blast radius, but still able to trigger the detable walls and such.

(2) Grenades, you are blocked from buying gas, psion, and concs (perhaps more), surely it could be just limited to 1 grenade per slot, for non-reg. That way they would have to spend lots of money to even get 2 grenades. But not completely stop them from certain strategies.

(3) This would also give non-reg atleast a trial run on certain items.

(4) Perhaps the map voting could be allowed for reg'd and unreg'd alike. Just have reg'd votes weigh more.

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Re: Reggie

Post by OneManClan »

As we've seen recently w a certain player, it just takes one gas grenade for a jerk to sabotage a game. I'd rather just save the goodies for registered players.

The idea of a 'trial run on certain items' makes sense. On the other hand, it lessens the 'reward' for registering, and also, ppl can just keep reconnecting w different names/ips to bypass the system.

Registering is fast, free, and (unless people refuse to use updated engines) works regardless of changes in IP.

In any case, the system SHOULD encourage players to register, so to some extent, we *want* them to feel like they are 'missing out'.

ps you've read the Register FAQ, yea?

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