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Demos: Ein cheating on caverns.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 2:12 am
by Beltan
Remember, he is locking on to their TRAJECTORY, so Ein still misses sometimes when the target changes direction or speed.

Also watch for his 180 spins where in less than a quarter of a second he has locked onto a target that was directly behind him and fired.

Attaching demos...

Ok, it won't let me because the maximum file size allowed is 256 KB.

I attached them to an email and gave them to OMC, he will have to post them I guess.


Re: Demos: Ein cheating on caverns.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:27 am
by rincewind
I can't even watch these demos as they require FTE Quake to play, kinda baffled by why anyone would want to use it in its current form. I still haven't found anything better "out of the box" than ezquake...

Re: Demos: Ein cheating on caverns.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 3:55 am
by Beltan
rincewind wrote:I can't even watch these demos as they require FTE Quake to play
If you watch one of the older demos with Ein you'll be able to see what I'm talking about, it's been an ongoing thing. The first time I remember seeing something suspicious was on a fcast when I had faster-than-my-usual legspeed and was strafing to dodge while on the ledge inside the base and one of the rockets Ein fired flew into the wall right next to him.

It looked ridiculous, I mean, who tries to aim ahead of their enemy as if the outer wall of the level wasn't there? Then I realized when he switched to the single shotty he wasn't just hitting me frequently...he was hitting me EVERY time. I got to where I stopped looking for his hits and I just watched for him to miss, and I never saw it happen.

Woah anyway apparently I like to talk so I'm going to stop before I talk about this any more right now. I know I come across as abrasive sometimes, guys, and I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings or get on your nerves.

Re: Demos: Ein cheating on caverns.

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:28 am
by haze
ok i dont play much any more but I am goin to take 5 mnutes out of my studies to comment on this joke.

So the rest of us know Ein isn't a cheater but its cool that OMC is taking time to look into cheating since, in some cases, it could be true, and its great that OMC is taking his players concerns seriously. (just unfortunate that he's taking a clown seriously)

My suggestion is this: someone is so adamant that there is a cheater, and it takes up tons of OMC time to do a trial, commentary , video etc. If the are proven (by OMC and/or the community) to not be a cheater then the accuser themselves should have consequences. It is not fair that retards like beltan cry cheater every time they get raped, slandering completely legitimate players. To be fair, you shouldn't be calling someone a cheater over and over in public until it can be proven without a doubt. And not just in your mind making up some pretend-aa-client that can "pre-aim rockets", "toggle between two players with a rubber band" but "sucks on double barrel shotties" lol.

The reason for this is that it takes alot of OMCs time, screws up the moral of the game, and also being on the other end of the accusation is not fun either. Beltan has accused me of cheating over and over as well when i'm not (and everyone knows it)(he eventually dropped it). And its just a big drama show wasting everyones time and causing grief to the accused.

When you have the majority of respectable, long-term quake players backing up the fact that someones innocent, thats pretty much all you need to conclude someone is innocent. for the most part, we can tell what the cheats are, and if not they are mostly obvious on demos.

As usual, its the people who haven't witnessed the high level of quake clanning that don't realize TONS OF PLAYERS have had the skill level that ein shows. It is something you gain with practice of playing at a high level. unfortunately Agr is not that high level. sorry.

Re: Demos: Ein cheating on caverns.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:12 am
by Beltan
haze wrote: So the rest of us know Ein isn't a cheater....

...Beltan has accused me of cheating over and over as well when i'm not (and everyone knows it)(he eventually dropped it). And its just a big drama show wasting everyones time and causing grief to the accused.
Watched him do it. It's recorded.

When I see suspicious behavior once or twice, I write it off as something I must have made a mistake on. When I see it happening a lot, I spectate to see if what I think is going on really is. When what I see is verified, I get proof and accuse.

When I have done all this session after session, what else can I do but "drop it"? I try to avoid spamming, and if nobody is listening anyway and the cheater is free to keep ruining games, I guess you expect me to just keep pounding the same point endlessly. Nobody can do that, though. Everybody's gotta rest sometime.

I'm just stating a fact. When you (and others like you) give me grief for pointing it out, you are the ones making "...a big drama show wasting everyone's time...". Speaking of grief, by the way, who has taken more grief than anyone else over identifying cheaters? Me. Every time I identify a cheater, they rage at me, and their friends rage at me as well.

Other players have seen cheating occur, too and said so.

I want to enjoy a challenging game without someone cheating, which is why I point it out. What would I have to gain by lying about it? Not a damn thing, that's what.

**EDIT: It isn't a joke. Nothing fucking funny at all about it.

Re: Demos: Ein cheating on caverns.

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:50 pm
by rincewind
Beltan, just curious....have you managed to upload the exact clip to youtube or anything? It's not that I don't believe you, more of a case that what you think is cheating is probably different to my experience of it....
I've experimented with AA bots in the past but never used them in any games. My ping seems to have an adverse effect on their accuracy

Re: Demos: Ein cheating on caverns.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 1:33 am
by Beltan
rincewind wrote:I've experimented with AA bots in the past but never used them in any games. My ping seems to have an adverse effect on their accuracy
Ping or packetless definitely affects the ones I've seen. A friend showed me one for counterstrike and it has a plethora of options, not sure what options the ones for Quake offer but anyway...
I haven't started trying to upload things to youtube at all. I'm happy to email you the files if you want. I sent them to OMC already butANYWAY you'll have to email me if you want the recordings I took with Fuhquake (since the new demo format screws us out of watching the mvd).
Be sure to put something like "it's rincewind" or something in the subject so that I don't delete it by mistake.
Don't expect any more responses on here because I'm not logging back in.

Re: Demos: Ein cheating on caverns.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:13 am
by rincewind
I've downloaded the dkeep demo but neither ezquake or the fte quake I have play the files....I don't necessarily need your demo Beltan because I know where to look as I was playing on the game in question.

Can someone explain to me how I'm supposed to watch demos? I even downloaded FTE Quake again (stable)......but both that and EZQuake don't play them??

Re: Demos: Ein cheating on caverns.

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:49 am
by rincewind
Demo works with the "experimental" FTE Quake. While I'm quite impressed with the graphical gloss and lighting effects of the client it's very buggy and extremely bad at tracking. I couldn't figure out how to skip to a certain point during the game so had to fast forward it. Even doing this was a fruitless exercise as the experimental FTE is so glitchy I couldn't make heads or tails of what the hell was going on. Invisible players, weird tracking bugs, no accurate mouse movements, invisible grenades/weapons fire etc etc....

Impossible to watch anything with FTE Quake (exp). Nice graphics but it's all ruined by bugs, glitches and general unpolished feel. It definitely needs work.

Are all demo's going to be put out only for the new FTE Quake? Surely it should be fixed properly before being implemented!

Re: Demos: Ein cheating on caverns.

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:48 am
by sapphired
Beltan Ein was not cheating, plz calm down and back AGR.
You judgment was wrong now its impossible for you to accept your fault after attention to the topic.

Ein playing good enough to cheat + we got not competitive matches, like clan wars or tournamebts with money prizes