Vanilla 2 : Vanilla Villa (viivv.bsp)

Map guides, O and D strategies, and tips.
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Vanilla 2 : Vanilla Villa (viivv.bsp)

Post by Jonan »

New map I made, an update of van.bsp
"viivv" is available now for voting.

Thanks for the input leading up to the release, I did take it on board, texturing, simplifying from earlier versions.

As for the map itself, I think most players were able to find there way around relatively quickly, going in blind. With time I think players will be able to work out where they are and what works well, on attack and defense. You can get around quite quickly once you have your bearings.

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Joined: Wed Nov 27, 2013 7:51 pm

Re: Vanilla 2 : Vanilla Villa (viivv.bsp)

Post by Jonan »

Here's a bit of a rundown of much of the map.

Outside Spawns : Head towards the large block of color in your wall, to head out, or head towards the back of the base.
Inside Spawns : Head over the raised bit to head towards the main door. Otherwise you can go to the back of the base.
Flag Room Spawn : Head to wall with other team color, and stand on little button on floor, to get outside quickly.
Roof Spawn : Jump down to which ever way you want.

Packs give 187 ammo, 187 (red) armor, 2 of each grenades, 42 health, 42 medikit, and spawn slowly. Please ration them. This is to enable you to hold areas without being completely unstoppable. 3 packs located in the back of the main spawn, 1 pack above main door, 3 packs under stairs, 3 packs in ramp room, 1 pack in tower, 1 pack in flag room, 1 pack under base, 1 pack each outside spawn, 2 packs near inside / outside ladder.

There's quick route doors for base owners, all have the same texture.

Hit the logo, to reveal a small opening.

Button Room
Push button in enemy base to open another path to ramp room. Base owner can also open this from the inside. Both open the door for a short time. It can squish you to death.

Main Spawn
There is a raised bit, which is made for sentries / teslas in mind. Your team will be able to decide when to reveal your buildings.

Main door
Opens slowly, there is short cuts nearby for base owners.

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