Suggestions for Invade4a Entity Update.

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Suggestions for Invade4a Entity Update.

Post by Jonan »

I'm keen to work on invade4a, and make it more playable for AGR.


(1) Should the team spawn swapping be removed? Make it so Red always spawns outside of the castle. Or maintain the swapping gimmick. This may cause some challenges for AGR code.

(2) Balance the Relics a bit. Tome of Power (Quad Damage) and Magic Potion (Ring of Shadows) are quite strong. I could easily bring the other ones up to a more useful level (faster and/or more regen.). Or the stronger ones could have draw backs like decay health/armor/ammo or half speed.

(3) Change the location of the scroll/flag and capture points. Without swapping teams after each cap, we could have the capture point in the initial invading spawn. If classic capture point isn't used, I could add a relic there.

(4) Accessing the scroll/flag. Damage to open scroll/flag room could be changed, and make it more of a goal. Likewise, if the damage required goes up, the gate could stay open longer or shorter.

(5) Return times on Relics. Could be an idea to put the return times way up, so there could be more strategy in hiding and/or recovering them.

(6) Extra Resups. Resup packs to help blue defend, or pickups for all placed in the castle.

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Re: Suggestions for Invade4a Entity Update.

Post by OneManClan »

Jonan wrote:I'm keen to work on invade4a, and make it more playable for AGR.


(1) Should the team spawn swapping be removed? Make it so Red always spawns outside of the castle. Or maintain the swapping gimmick. This may cause some challenges for AGR code.
Yes, team swapping should be removed. AGR code issues..

Jonan wrote:(2) Balance the Relics a bit. Tome of Power (Quad Damage) and Magic Potion (Ring of Shadows) are quite strong. I could easily bring the other ones up to a more useful level (faster and/or more regen.). Or the stronger ones could have draw backs like decay health/armor/ammo or half speed.
Personally, I don't like relics. Not only do they unbalance the game, they also aren't necessary, because AGR already has a bunch of powers people can use to become invisible, quad, immortal, etc.
Jonan wrote:(3) Change the location of the scroll/flag and capture points. Without swapping teams after each cap, we could have the capture point in the initial invading spawn. If classic capture point isn't used, I could add a relic there.
Cap at the 'initial invading spawn' - you mean where the 'attackers' spawn .. outside the base?

Invade is an amazing map, and I have some great memories attacking, of being outside the RR door and waiting for teammates so we can attack together... but the RR is too open, and too hard to D. So typically, all the action takes place at the Cap point, which leaves most of the base unused.

Jonan wrote:(4) Accessing the scroll/flag. Damage to open scroll/flag room could be changed, and make it more of a goal. Likewise, if the damage required goes up, the gate could stay open longer or shorter.
Well, anything which takes the action away from the FR is good.
Jonan wrote:(5) Return times on Relics. Could be an idea to put the return times way up, so there could be more strategy in hiding and/or recovering them.
Is there a particular relic you're thinking of? ie as I said relics feel 'cheaty', and gameplay unbalancing to me.
Jonan wrote:(6) Extra Resups. Resup packs to help blue defend, or pickups for all placed in the castle.
I'm not sure how invade4a can be salvaged.. if you can take away the 'change sides after cap' thing, we can give it a go, and see what happens..

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