Canyon1 Entity Update

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Canyon1 Entity Update

Post by Jonan »

I've reworked some of the entities for canyon1.bsp. (OMC, I'll email you canyon1j.bsp)

Resup Packs
They used to just give 300 no quality armour, which is a problem if you have been knocked down to 0. Packs now give 50 red armour, 50 ammo, 1 gren1, 1 gren2, 25 health, 25 medikit. All on 2 second respawn time. Additional packs can be found at Ramp Room, Bridge Cave, Rock by Water Entrance, Corridor by Top Spawn, Old Enemy Quad Bunker.

Flag & Captures
Flag's return time has been changed from 20 seconds, to 60 seconds. A normal capture will grant 10 points. Other captures will grant 5 points, and unlock their bonus.

Health Regeneration
Instead of 1 health per 5 seconds, it is now 11 health per 5 seconds.

Armour Regeneration
Instead of 2 armour per 5 seconds, it is now 11 red armour per 5 seconds.

Ammo Regeneration
Instead of 2 shells, 5 nails, 1 rocket, 5 cells, per 5 seconds, it is now 11 ammo, per 5 seconds.

Rad Suit & Security
Cosmetic change.

Quad Bunker / Spawn
Quad bunker is no longer active. Instead, if you capture this you will now have access to a spawn and a resup pack in the enemy's old Quad Bunker location.

For Defenders, extra packs should help, less points for unlockables.
For Attackers, stronger unlockables, long return time for flag.

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Re: Canyon1 Entity Update

Post by OneManClan »

I've gotta admit, while reading about these (exciting) changes, I'm thinkin...

... what about changing the cap point, ala sewer1j, to improve the action. Eg make Reds cap point be *Blues* cap point (...?)

Jonan wrote: Quad Bunker / Spawn
Quad bunker is no longer active. Instead, if you capture this you will now have access to a spawn and a resup pack in the enemy's old Quad Bunker location.
how do you mean 'access to a spawn' - Reds will spawn in Blues Quad Bunker location?

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Re: Canyon1 Entity Update

Post by Jonan »

Yes. Exactly that. (Bonus Spawn)

There is a pack there. That might be a bit much. Not sure, until played.

I did think about putting a different cap, I thought the distance might not be great enough. I thought if capping in enemy base, you get say, 5 points. So if timer catching up to you, you could cap quickly. Only really one way to test things.

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Re: Canyon1 Entity Update

Post by Jonan »

I am planning to give the sewer1j treatment to aztec1 and 2mfield4.

Perhaps even brave1 could be saved. ;)

Posts: 344
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Re: Canyon1 Entity Update

Post by Jonan »

Jonan wrote:I am planning to give the sewer1j treatment to aztec1 and 2mfield4.

Perhaps even brave1 could be saved. ;)

I've tweaked 2mfield4. OMC I'll send you a copy of 2mf4j.bsp

Update includes Bomb/Flag located in slime area, which now must be taken to their basement.

Powerups are returned to the old capture area. Team Quad, Team Ring, Team Pent, for 13 seconds each. Respawn times of 444, 555, and 666 seconds respectively.

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