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Mirror Damage (another moa-n)

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:26 am
by rincewind
My opinion? It should only be in place for unregistered players. Good or bad idea?

Having a "criminal record" or "dynamic mirror damage" was a compromise but even that isn't working properly anymore. My question is why are we still using it and what is it achieving? It's blanket punishing everyone, even players that are trying their hardest to play properly. Not to mention being a Demo with this just cripples the class beyond measure.

Not to piss on anyone's fire here but isn't it time we did away with it now for registered players?

Re: Mirror Damage (another moa-n)

Posted: Sun May 06, 2012 10:45 am
by OneManClan
You have a point re registered players being given the benefit of the doubt re: team damage. However, unless there's some bug I don't know about, Dynamic Mirror Damage should be working correctly. For registered players, this means a default 0 mirror damage. DMD also affects team damage as well, so it offers protection from team killers. It even has a separate algorithm which deals with the Pipe situation.

It's all described here, and did work perfectly last time it was tested.. All games are recorded, so if there's a specific incident/situation that seemed 'weird', let me know, and I'll investigate.