Brink - new TF based game - 10 may 2011 release (must see)

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Brink - new TF based game - 10 may 2011 release (must see)

Post by sapphired »

Guys, i'm sure it's closest modern approach to Custom TF concept (read below) :D
New Team Fortress style, class based game - Brink
Official site -
Release date: 10 May 2011

Very similar to:TF-2, Enemy Territory, ETQW, BF and some class-based games

Video with class explanation

Cool action in-game video

Another cool video.

The game gonna be epic? What do u think? Or just a mix of TF-2 and CS + yo nigga cool models? ... /#comments
Brink is a class-based FPS, and that is about where the similarities with it and TF2 end.

Bots are available from the start, or as drop-in, drop-out extras (whereas bots in TF2 on PC are only for solo offline practice afaik). If you would prefer to play alone, the game was built for that as much as it was for playing with others.

For better or for worse, TF2 (I’ve played both PC and 360) has “blinders” on the classes. Each class is very ability specific, and even with the PC updates, still very narrow in function. Brink has 3 body types (heavy, medium, light) and only 4 classes which allow each players to do more in any given class than can be done in any class on TF2.

Unlike TF2, for each “mission” there are many objectives, some of which have to be done in sequence, others which don’t. TF2 is somewhat of a pure experience – very linear and easy to understand. Brink will be considerably more complex.

Also, there will be a fully fleshed out story developing the main characters in the game. There will be discoverables including “audio tapes” and “newspapers”.

Splash Damage has a tag line “Blurring the lines” between SP and MP. I think that is possibly overstating it. To call it “Contextualized Multiplayer” (coining that phrase) would not be an exaggeration, however.

Yes, the parkour movement is one of their innovations and I think it will be special.

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