Frick bots agr

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Frick bots agr

Post by ripednail »

Why not mod to have some Frick bots to liven the agr game up.... If omc was willing to share the game source I could help implement this

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Re: Frick bots agr

Post by OneManClan »

ripednail wrote:Why not mod to have some Frick bots to liven the agr game up.... If omc was willing to share the game source I could help implement this
Hey Ripednail!

New bots have already been added to the game (where have ya been man?). They were influenced by the original CustomTF 'grunty', frikbots, and other (never before seen) stuff I added. I made some videos regarding their evolution, behaviours, and new abilities:

Meanwhile, there is a thread regarding the (ongoing) question of bots, balancing them, and deciding what exactly their role should be in AGR gameplay:

Try them yourself at the next AGR Session (next Session starts in 10.5 hours), and have your say!

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Re: Frick bots agr

Post by ripednail »

Omc thanks for the thoughtful response.

I threw out my old computer and I have an i3 laptop that is incredibly slow. I also go to bed around the time agr starts. I wish I could play and see the new stuff... Ive been getting less emails about the agr videos lately not sure if I was removed from the mailing list.

Well you can keep me in mind when I put field generators and turrets in the ramp room... I know that is your favorite strategy.... Going out in a blaze of glory

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Re: Frick bots agr

Post by OneManClan »

ripednail wrote:Omc thanks for the thoughtful response.
Anytime. :)
ripednail wrote: I threw out my old computer and I have an i3 laptop that is incredibly slow. .
My comp is 'state of the art' 2005 (? I bought it used in 2008?), and it runs AGR perfectly, so I'm sure yours will be fine. If it's slow, try setting FTE to Options-> Graphics Presets->'fast mode'
ripednail wrote: I also go to bed around the time agr starts. I wish I could play and see the new stuff... Ive been getting less emails about the agr videos lately not sure if I was removed from the mailing list.
You haven't been removed from the mailing list ..... I just haven't sent an email for AGES (October last year!?). I became a new dad(!) last November, and the baby boy has been my focus ever since. I've been wanting to start doing emails again, but have gotten into the habit of putting them off 'until next week'. Anyway, I'll try to do one (and a video) this week, because there *is* a lot to say*, IT'S TIME, and because I think they do affect numbers..
ripednail wrote:Well you can keep me in mind when I put field generators and turrets in the ramp room... I know that is your favorite strategy.... Going out in a blaze of glory
Not sure if you know, but we have a Saturday AGR Session too now - 'experimental AGR', where we test new maps, new gameplay ideas, and new wip 'stuff'; maybe you can come to those, they start at the same time 23:00GMT/UTC.

I'll be lookin' for ya!

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