Custom AGR maps

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Custom AGR maps

Post by bloodsnipe »

Given the size of our games ( rarely hits 8v8, averages around 4v4) and the style of game, I'm interested in designing custom maps that are asymmetric and spawn friendly for the red. I've joint quakeone and insideqc hoping to find more information on how to do so. If anyone here has worldcraft experience or would like to learn, please reply and share your ideas.

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Re: Custom AGR maps

Post by OneManClan »

Hey Bloodsnipe.

Much of the Red base is really unnecessary in AGR, and with big maps the journey from reds respawn to blues base is unnecessarily long. Ages ago I looked into editing the Classic maps we play, but IIRC unless you have the original .map file, it can be difficult/impossible. I don't remember what the exact issue is (I *think* you can open a bsp in Netradiant, but you lose the textures (?). Hopefully I'm wrong and there *is* a way to do this in 2016).

The thing is, there are a zillion existing maps out there and only a few have become favourites, most are never played, so I hate the idea of someone spending time and energy making a new map, only to have it played a couple of times.

My main experience is with Trenchbroom, though NetRadiant is also highly regarded, and I haven't looked at Worldcraft for years, so let me know if I can help. Bear in mind - AGR runs on FTE, which is Q3bsp compatible, so there's no need to limit yourself to older map formats. If someone was to make (or remake) a fantastic looking map w modern lighting, textures, and other features, that might be a total game changer. It's always been my hope that with a new look AGR + FTE + q3bsp can break away from the 'Quake Look' and attract a new generation of players.

ps here's another editor to check out:

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Re: Custom AGR maps

Post by bloodsnipe »

Just another thing for me to try... To many projects and not enough time :-P.

I will probably look into it, as I'm thinking about making an old school brawler/beat-em-up mod (like a 3D re-envisioned double dragon) for quake that would require custom maps.

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