The AGR Player Registration System

Q: Why do we need a AGR Player Registration System?

A: Quality control. As you know, the core ‘mission’ of the Weekly AGR Sessions is to provide organised, scheduled, quality gameplay for those who are into TF, AGR style. Most of the people who log on are there to play, but (as with all public servers) others are there because they are bored or have other issues. Although we’re only talking one or two players, we only play once a week, for a few hours, and there’s simply no time to be distracted by potential dickheads, trollers, teamkillers, teamdamagers, and/or spammers of non-game related chit-chat.

Q: Why not use a strict system like solnet had back in 2000 where only registered players can connect?

A: I considered that, but we regularly get new, genuine players who discover AGR by accident, and I’d rather let them join in.

Q: So how does this new system work?
A: There will be two classes of player: 1. Registered (ie trusted) 2. Unregistered (ie untrusted) Registered players will be able to play as normal. Unregistered players will have restrictions on what they can do.

Q: But I’ve always used the same name, do I still need to do this?
A: Players occasionally change the name they prefer to use, so I’m just confirming. Besides, I don’t want an essay, just a one word response to this email confirming your official playername would be fine, though it wouldn’t kill you to put a ‘hi’ in there somewhere 🙂

Q: What if I change my mind and later want to use a different name?
A: No prob, just email me the details, and consider it done.

Q: What about special characters?
A: Unfortunately this is not *currently* possible, though if it’s a big deal to enough people, I’ll look into it further.

Q: But without my special characters, I’m just can’t be ‘me’, how am I supposed show up, face the other players, and just play? It would destroy my confidence, affect my game, and ruin everything.
A: “Harden the f**k up”. (

Q: What if I connect and then change my name during the game?
A: No, the server will know.

Q: How will I know if I’ve successfully registered?
A: There will be a brief message on the screen every now and then. Also there will be special features which only registered players will enjoy

Q: Like what?
A: It’s a surprise

Q: What will happen to those who aren’t registered?
A: They will still be able to join in and play, but until they register, there will be restrictions on what they can do, mainly things that could disrupt games – eg they can’t vote, they can’t set dets, they can’t damage teammates, they’ll receive 100% Mirror damage, and a bunch of other fun stuff.

Q: What about putting brb-myname, or afk-myname?
A: You can still put stuff at the end of your name, as long as you DON’T change the first, ‘official’ part of your name.

Q: I’m a OLD, OLDskool, hardened, battle-weary TF veteran, my brain cells aren’t what they used to be..can you please go through step by step AGAIN, exactly what I have to do?
A: Ok … just to be crystal clear.. . if your name is ‘BigBoy’:

1. Email me back with: “Hi OMC, the name I am using is ‘BigBoy’.
2. Read my email response which will say (something like) “Hi BigBoy, your password is b3u2”
3. At the Quake console type “setinfo userpass b3u2”

Q: So OMC, can I meet hot chicks at the Weekly AGR Sessions?
A: Probably not.

Q: Ok, sorry, what about variations like ‘bigBoY’?
A: Changing capitilisation is fine; as per the ‘BigBoy’ example above, the following names are valid /WILL be recognised: ‘Bigboy’ ‘biGBoy’ ‘BigBoy afk’ ‘BigBoy-brb’.

Q: Ok, so what wouldn’t work?
A: The following names would NOT be valid /recognised:

‘Big Boy’ (space after ‘g’)
‘brb-Bigboy’ (‘BigBoy’ isn’t at the front)

Q: What if I use a password for another server, how will this affect the AGR situation?
Q: It won’t, you are typing ‘setinfo userpass <your_password>’, NOT ‘password <your_password>

Q: Ok, what if I have more questions?
A: Email me.