Absolute beginners guide to particles

1. If you want your new particles to be available for ALL mods, make a directory c:/quake/id1/my_particles. If you want your particles to be only available for YOUR mod/s, make a directory c:/quake/yourmodname/my_particles.

2. In it, make a text file called new_explosions.cfg
3. Write your particle (lets call it ‘super_explode’) like this:

r_part super_explode

//This is where you put your particle code


4. save it.

5. QC: The setup:

#define SUPER_EXPLODE “my_particles/new_explosions.super_explode”

// you dont HAVE to do this w fte client, but ezquake likes /needs it.
particleeffectnum(SUPER_EXPLODE); // precache in worldspawn

5. QC: The execution:

pointparticles(particleeffectnum(SUPER_EXPLODE), self.origin + ‘0 0 0’, ‘0 0 0’, 1);



There’s ‘trail’ particles, and there’s ‘point’ particles. In the particle code,

step n // n = QU distance between particles (when using trailparticles )

count n // num of particles for ‘point’ effects






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