Pillbox Forts (Extreme Edition) by DeeVA [IR] and Tyroch[IR]

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Pillbox Forts (Extreme Edition) by DeeVA [IR] and Tyroch[IR]

Post by Jonan »

Found this gem the other day. https://nl.andi.com.br/qwtf/client/fort ... /pillx.bsp I have high hopes for it.

(1) Feels familiar to me. Feels like 2forts + 2night2 + ditch2.
(2) Multiple entrances / exits to resup / respawn room. Allowing for shortcuts and sneaky resups for owners while engaging with enemies.
(3) Has the classic lift & spiral to get to the flag room. Although the spiral is more of a S shape.
(4) Water entrance has a lift, and makes noise, letting nearby players know where you are.
(5) Lots of hiding places for defenders and teleporters.
(6) RR is a crucial area to control.
(7) Water entrances do not connect.
(8) If flag is dropped half way, lots of areas that could be defended from.

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Re: Pillbox Forts (Extreme Edition) by DeeVA [IR] and Tyroch

Post by OneManClan »

Thanks Jonan, a great find. We tried this a few weeks ago.

The Good:
1. Some nice chokepoints (including a spiral to the FR area), ie defendable
2. As you say, lots of good areas to D

The Not so Good:
1. Seems like a LONG walk to the blue base [code in some special permanent teleporters?]
2. The cap point works, but the cappoint sprite isn't appearing (can be fixed).
3. Confusing layout. Not mazelike, but a few 'how do i get out of here' areas. Yes yes players would (eventually) get used to them, but in the meantime .. theres a lot of potential time wasting, and ppl potentially getting frustrated..

Maybe put it to a vote, ask players if they feel like somethign classic/'tried and tested' vs new, and give players the option to vote it off after 20 mins (or so) if it isn't cutting it.

Maybe we need a specific Testing Session for these new/untested maps.. to keep the Weekly AGR Sessions 100% non-stop Action.

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