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Dynamic Scoring.

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 3:53 pm
by Jonan
I played a round of AGR, the other week, it was z7, blue had locked it down. Not surprising, one of the easiest maps to defend. Then I saw the player listing, it was something like 5 blue, vs 3 red, or 6 blue vs 4 red. It was a two player difference, now it would of been nice if somebody swapped, even it out. Didn't happen, not to worry.

But, it did get me thinking about the scoring system. How about if the scoring was based upon, the players that are there? Perhaps, when it is time to score (capture / defend), it would be equal to the amount of players the opposing team has. So, if you had 5 blue vs 3 red, each time blue successfully defends, they would get 3 points, and if red had captured, they would of got 5 points.

Re: Dynamic Scoring.

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:26 pm
by sapphired
I think in this mod considering 'quality' of players blue should always have players advantage due the fact of 'flippancy' of some players, its not clan war with all pros, bunny-hopers. Blues sometimes go retarded mode like engieng, chaping, sniping etc.

Sometimes 3v5 is good cause 5 blues are non pros and 3 reds are pros bunny hopers like Haze, Ein etc. They can maintain 1200 BH speed using cheap item air-fist, that is also used as gren thrower and enemy pipes destroyer.

Players not shuffled by skill, so sometime quantity doesn't matter, but you point on dyno scoring makes sense.

Re: Dynamic Scoring.

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 4:53 pm
by Jonan
Perhaps health and/or regeneration when teams are balanced.

For each player difference you could get +1 health and +1 armour per second.

Re: Dynamic Scoring.

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 3:51 pm
by Jonan
How about Dynamic Spawning...?

You have the respawn time set, and then it is adjust based on the player numbers.

Such as, base respawn set to say 5, with 5 blues, 3 reds.

Blue respawn would be 5/3 x 5 = 7 seconds.
Red respawn would be 3/5 x 5 = 3 seconds.