Weekly AGR Session: 9th June 2013

What: Weekly AGR Session

Where: tastyspleen.net:26666

When: Sunday 22:00 GMT. Convert this to your timezone here.

Who: You

Why: We don’t really need a ‘why’ here, do we?

MAP SCHEDULE = walmart, caverns, ditch2/dune1

We use a voice chat ventrillo for voice chat during AGR games. Download it, install it, and connect to, port 4298, AGR (Red+Blue) channels. Password is sent to those on the AGR Mailing List, but if you ask nicely during the game, someone might help you out.

Thanks to Sapphired, this Session (and previous ones) will be available for download here.

4 comments to Weekly AGR Session: 9th June 2013

  • Wolfgang

    Yeah, not a bad session.

    Just relating to the soldier AI….I find that issuing certain commands makes no difference to what the grunt does. For instance, if I command them to patrol between points 1 & 2 and remain static they never do this, instead they try to run towards the target. I believe this was fixed by none other than “Gizmo” himself and was even used on 4 The People server.
    Not a game breaking issue but if you’d looked at this updating this sooner OMC then your bot might have been more effective at stopping the caps…..just another thing to look at?

    Oh yeah, please fix say_team soon 🙂

  • sapphired

    1. Wallmart
    2. Caverns (map of the session)
    3. Ditch/Dune

  • Wolfgang

    Wallmart was fun to watch, particularly the start of it. If only such things happened to the real life version.

    Caverns was great, even the first game was entertaining but blue just couldn’t hold it together. The 2nd game was much better thanks to blue actually realising the importance of defending the tunnel. The result was a much more even game. Special mention goes to OMC’s tesla in the ramp room of blue which really stemmed the flow for most the game until it fell.

    Ditch was ok, red lacked any real attacking threat. I think only 2 maybe 3 people on red were really trying for the flag, the others were just ‘DM’ing’ outside the main bases. Some still don’t understand the concept of AGR is about defending/capping and yes…..PLAYERS RESPAWN so that person you just killed will be waiting for you in their base with 100% health.

    See you next week!

  • Juan

    I liked Wallmart, it was cool, the second game of Caverns it was maybe the best that i played here for now, I wasn´t there when Ditch was played but the few minutes that i was there i did n t like it too much

    PD: OMC, Move the tesla if you put it there i can destroy it

    See you next week!

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